Howard County Bird Club

A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society

Hollofield (PVSP) Photographs


Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund

Park Headquarters

Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund


Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund

Campground Road

Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund

Peaceful Pond Trail

Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund

Peaceful Pond

Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund

Union Dam Trail

Scott Berglund (dam removed 2017-2019)
Scott Berglund (dam removed 2017-2019)

Shale Barrens

Bob Solem
Bob Solem

South Area

Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund


Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund


Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund
Scott Berglund
Jo Solem

Eastern Phoebe, Carolina Chickadee, Red-tailed Hawk, Yellow Goatsbeard (seedhead)