Howard County Bird Club

Howard County Bird Club

A Chapter of the Howard County Bird Club

PVSP Plant Photographs

Patapsco Valley State Park

Jo Solem
Kelli Underwood
Kelli Underwood
Kelli Underwood
Kelli Underwood
Kelli Underwood
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Sue Earp
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Common Hedge-nettle
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Bob Solem
Jo Solem
Sue Earp

Showy Orchid, Dutchman’s Breeches, Early Saxifrage, Sweet White Violet, Red Columbine.

Azure Bluets, One-seeded Cucumber, Upland Boneset, Calico Aster, Wild Senna.

Great Blue Lobelia, Two-leaved Miterwort, Goat’s Rue, Wavy-leaved Aster, Orangegrass.

Alpine Violet, Smooth Hedgenettle, Golden Alexanders, Whorled Rosinweed, Showy Skullcap.

Fall Phlox, Zigzag Goldenrod, White Bergamot, Common Clubmoss, Northern Maidenhair Fern.