Marriottsville Road, PVSP

Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104

Amenities: No facilities. Although outside the scope of this website, the McKeldin Area, PVSP, is 0.7 miles north on Marriottsville Road in Carroll County. It has full facilities, is open 9:00 a.m. to sunset, and offers excellent birding.
It is a fee area.

Handicapped Access: Limited, although it is  sometimes possible to see/hear Yellow-throated Warblers from the parking area. Level gravel parking.

Special Attractions: In April and early May, this is one of the best areas in the county for Cerulean and Yellow-throated warblers.

Size: A section of the 14,000-acre Patapsco  Valley State Park (PVSP) on both sides of the South Branch of the Patapsco River. The river in this area is the boundary between Howard County and Carroll County.

Habitat: Mostly upland deciduous woods, developed areas near the road, and open areas  adjacent to the railroad tracks and at a pipeline crossing downstream.

Trails/Paths: Trails lead upstream and downstream.

Amenities: No facilities. Although outside the scope of this website, the McKeldin Area, PVSP, is 0.7 miles north on Marriottsville Road in Carroll County. It has full facilities, is open 9:00 a.m. to sunset, and offers excellent birding.
It is a fee area.

Handicapped Access: Limited, although it is  sometimes possible to see/hear Yellow-throated Warblers from the parking area. Level gravel parking.

Special Attractions: In April and early May, this is one of the best areas in the county for Cerulean and Yellow-throated warblers.

Compiler: Scott Berglund