Howard County Bird Club

Henryton Road

Patapsco Valley State Park

Henryton Road, Marriottsville Maryland 21104

Henryton Road Bridge Replacement While the work is being done, the bridge will be closed to all traffic. New temporary traffic signals will be in place to direct traffic around the work area and alternate traffic onto a temporary bypass road constructed adjacent to the old bridge. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late July 2024.

A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society

Size: Henryton Road accesses a portion of the 14,000-acre Patapsco Valley State
Park, PVSP which runs 32 miles along the Patapsco River.

Habitat: Mature floodplain and upland deciduous forest; some field and edge.

Best Months: Mid-April through May; late spring and early summer for nesting
Neotropical warblers; September into October.

Coverage Time: One can easily spend more than a half day exploring this area of the park.

Trails/Paths: Trails lead for miles east and west of Henryton Road, mostly in sight of the river.

Notable Birds: Wild Turkey, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Least Flycatcher, Yellow-throated Vireo, Veery, Gray-cheeked Thrush, Northern Parula, Yellow-throated Warbler, Cerulean Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, Ovenbird, Kentucky Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Summer Tanager, Scarlet Tanager.

Amenities: There are no facilities. Alpha Ridge Park has the closest public facilities. (Return to the intersection of Henryton Road and Old Frederick Road; turn left for 0.7

Handicapped Access: Parking is on asphalt. There is good birding from the parking
area. The upstream road which becomes the main trail has a few gentle grades but is generally level, if sometimes muddy. Downstream trails have moderate to steep slopes and will be difficult for the mobility impaired.

Operation and Hours: Signs at end of Henryton Road state “No Parking 7 pm–7 am”.

Special Attractions: One of the county’s finest extensive mature woodlands gives local naturalists a chance to observe many of the county’s rarer birds and wildflowers.

Bow Hunting: There may be a deer hunting season in the fall and winter.

Nearby Sites: Marriottsville Road, PVSP, Sykesville/River Road, PVSP.

Compiler: Scott Berglund