Howard County Bird Club

Howard County Bird Club

A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society

Laura’s Clubtail

Place name abbreviations: MPEA – Middle Patuxent Environment Area; PRSP – Patuxent River State Park; PVSP – Patapsco River Valley State Park; UMDCF – University of Maryland Central Farm. WMA – Wildlife anagement Area.

Click on the common name to obtain additional information. Legend:

Species common name
Scientific name
Length (in inches; M and F if different) Flight season
Relative abundance


Laura’s Clubtail
Stylurus laurae
2.2-2.5″ E-Jun — E-Sep
Habitat: Medium rivers and tributaries. 5-7 p.m. in Sept over riffles. Adult male rests on vegetation near swifter parts of slow-moving streams; seems to prefer shade.

Woodstock PVSP

July 6, 1998
Woodstock, PVSP
Bob Solem

Patuxent River State Park

July 6, 1998
Woodstock, PVSP
Bob Solem

Woodstock PVSP

July 6, 1998
Woodstock, PVSP
Bob Solem

Woodstock PVSP

July 6, 1998
Woodstock, PVSP
Bob Solem

Woodstock PVSP

Emerged (on exuviae)
June 16, 1999
Woodstock, PVSP
Bob Solem

Gorman NRA

June 24, 1999
Gorman NRA
Jo Solem