Howard County Bird Club

Howard County Bird Club

A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society

Black-tipped Darner

Place name abbreviations: MPEA – Middle Patuxent Environment Area; PRSP – Patuxent River State Park; PVSP – Patapsco River Valley State Park; WMA – Wildlife Management Area.

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Species common name
Scientific name
Length (in inches; M and F if different) Flight season
Relative abundance


Black-tipped Darner
Aeshna tuberculifera
2.8-3.2″ M-Aug — M-Oct
Habitat: Open ponds, especially acid ones. Cruises over shallow water w/ emergent grasses and rushes in mid to late afternoon.

Alpha Ridge landfill

October 7, 1996
Alpha Ridge Landfill
Bob Solem

Alpha Ridge landfill

October 7, 1996
Alpha Ridge Landfill
Bob Solem