Howard County Bird Club

A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society

Western Regional Park Detailed Information

Google map.

Western Regional Park opened in 2006  and is one of the few parks in western Howard County. Although its varied habitats are of interest much of the year, the shallow entrance pond and the short-grass ballfields make it a particularly attractive birding destination from mid-summer through early fall.

Habitat: This park contains diverse habitats that attract various bird species. It has a nice section of mature woodlands, a warm-season grass meadow, and streamside brushy areas. There are excellent views of the sky in order to look for migrating flyover. For a period during the park’s early years (2005 – 2010), the storm water basin near the entrance (P 1) was a shallow pond that retained water and often produced exposed mudflats during spring and fall shorebird migration. Those years produced some of the most exciting shorebird records in the county. Unfortunately, that arrangement was temporary until the eastern part of the park was completely developed. In 2011, what had been a pond was reconfigured as a storm water basin. Although, after extensive wet periods, it may still hold water for a few days, and even attract a few shorebirds depending on the season, it can no longer be considered prime habitat for migrating rarities. Currently, annual wetland vegetation covers much  of the area by late spring. In the fall, this can produce ideal conditions for a variety of sparrows, wrens, and an occasional rail or bittern. It is mowed aperiodically to prevent woody vegetation from establishing a foothold. Although heavily used during league play, the extensive short-grass, unfenced soccer fields are sometimes attractive to “grasspipers.” The park also contains a nice chunk of mature woodlands, a relatively small warm-season grass meadow (which seems to have limited appeal to birds), and small patches of fields, and streamside
trees/brushy areas. There are excellent views of the sky. Several storm water basins with adjacent annual vegetation provide limited habitat for amphibians, dragonflies, and butterflies.

Although technically not part of the park, the extensive open land along the south side of Carr’s Mill Road opposite  the park is valuable field habitat and should not be ignored when visiting Western Regional Park. Flocks of geese feed and loaf here during the winter and breeding passerines (including Grasshopper Sparrows) can be found along the fence line during the spring and sumer. Because there are “No Parking” signs along much of this section of Carr’s Mill Road, birders should enter the park and use one of the lots near the entrance in order to access a paved pathway along the north side of the road in order to view the fields.

Layout: Active recreational facilities form the nucleus of the park. Soccer and baseball fields spread throughout the front portion along both sides of the paved road that winds through the park. A tot lot is located adjacent to the first parking lot on the left and a concession building with restrooms (April–November) is to the right; portable toilets are positioned in several parking lots year-round.

Three storm water basins are located along the road. The first one (P1) is the only potential water in the eastern section. It is the largest of the storm water basins and has offered the most species diversity. Prior to it reconfiguration in 2011, it was a premier county location for shorebird rarities. Currently, it holds water for such a limited period that there are few mudflats or open shallow water areas during the growing season.
The area is mowed at least annually to prevent woody vegetation from dominating and, because portions are frequently damp, it is now more attractive for marsh/wet scrubland birds. Enter the western half of the park through a metal gate (with adjacent wooden fence). On the right, just beyond the gate, is a small, narrow storm water basin (P 2); a third wet area (P 3) lies several hundred yards farther along the road, also on the right, almost out of view in a bowl-shaped depression. At one time it held water for much of the year, but it too was reconfigured so it retains water for limited periods, thus it no longer has the value for birds, reptiles, amphibians, and odonates that it once did. Drainage from P3 may still create some marshy areas in the western section of the park. The park has an extensive series of paved and dirt trails that provide access to most areas of the park. Paved trails go around most of the playing fields, through the stand of trees located just to the west of the artificial turf playing fields, and along the tree edge of some of the mature forest. A mature oak forest lies in the northwest corner of the park. From the access road, a wide mown path (to the right of a pavilion and several hundred feet
north of P 3), leads to the main entry point of the woods trail. The interior trails form several loops of varying length which go through the woods. A short spur on the north part of the loop deadends at a private drive on the north edge of the park. Upon reaching this paved driveway, double back to the main trail and continue around the loop. You can circle around through these trees and exit where you entered or take a trail that starts in the NW corner of the park and goes along the west edge of the park. Eventually, the trail splits and you can go straight on a path through a little valley that returns you to near the area where you entered the forest, or you can take a trail that goes south (to the right) over a stream and goes to the SW corner of the park, where you can explore scrub habitat. The scrubby edge on the east side of the stream once constituted some of the best sparrow habitat in the park. Extensive recent tree planting has altered the area. As the trees mature, the habitat will gradually change.
There is a trail that goes through this habitat and eventually ends (or  begins) on a paved trail just north of P 3. During periods of normal rainfall, portions of it are wet-or at least damp. Currently, there is a fine view of the sky from almost any vantage point. Note that all the dirt trails can be muddy after rains.

Best Time to Visit: Early to mid-morning in the spring and fall are best, while mornings in summer produce the best passerine and flyover results. Any time of the day is good for shorebirds; twilight is best for nighthawks during  migration periods. A full schedule of organized sports is played here on the weekends (except in the winter) and on summer evenings. At peak playing times, parking can be difficult; be sure to honor
parking restrictions.

Birding: There have been 190+ species of birds (plus a warbler hybrid, a domestic, and an exotic species) observed on or over the park. The best time to bird here is during spring and fall migration. Many rarities have already been found during this period and the potential exists for something special to show up any time. The shallow storm water basin (P 1) at the entrance to the park used to be one of the best shorebird locations in the county, but it is now dry and weedy most of the year. Occasionally Least, Solitary, or Spotted Sandpipers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, and Wilson’s Snipe may be found here when rainstorms coincide with migration periods. (Gone are the days when rare shorebirds could be expected, but the memory of Western, White-rumped, and Baird’s Sandpipers, Short-billed Dowitcher, and Red Phalarope lives on.) While Buff-breasted Sandpipers were recorded at P 1 on several occasions, the majority of sighting of this species have been on the short-grass soccer fields late morning through early afternoon during early September. Rails or bitterns are possible in P1 during migration when shallow water is present. The basin now offers excellent potential for finding sparrows during fall migration. In recent years, both Clay-colored and Nelson’s Sparrows have been found in the weedy vegetation to the east overlooking P 1. Grasshopper and Savannah Sparrows are present annually; Song Sparrows are resident. Weekday mornings are an excellent time to check the area since the park tends to be quiet and parking isn’t a problem. Taking the paved path east of the basin so that the sun is behind you is a good way to begin your search. Normally P 1 is dry, but water may accumulate quickly after heavy rains. During the brief times there is  water present it is possible, depending on the season, to find dabbling ducks like Mallards, Gadwall, Blue-winged Teal. Barn and Tree Swallows are likely to be present, while Bank, Cliff, and Northern Rough-winged Swallows are  rare finds. Occasional Great Egrets, Great Blue Herons, and Green Herons show up from time to time. Merlins, Laughing Gulls, and Bonaparte’s Gulls are also visitors on occasion. In late summer, checking immediately after the passage of a thunderstorm may be productive.

The northwest section of the park contains a mature oak forest. This section can be birded by walking around the perimeter of the forest (east to south) or walking the trails that go through it. If you opt to walk the outside treeline early in the morning, going clockwise helps to keep the sun at your back. The main entry point to the woods is on the hill above (north) of P 3. The entry area can be productive during migration, as is the interior. Thirty species of warblers have been seen at the park. Black-and-white, Blackpoll, Yellow-rumped and Black-throated Green Warblers are seen frequently during spring and fall migration while Tennessee, Nashville, Cape May, Blackburnian, and Canada Warblers represent some of the species that are considered to be nice finds. Surprisingly, Cerulean and Yellow-throated Warblers have also been found here, even though the park is well away from their normal county breeding habitat. Veery, Gray-cheeked and Swainson’s Thrushes have been detected during migration. During the summer, Ovenbird, Wood Thrush, and Scarlet Tanager can be found along with the expected permanent residents, including Hairy and Pileated Woodpeckers. A Barred Owl is resident, but seldom seen. The southwest corner of the park has brushy/weedy margins along a stream and mature woods as well as a meadow. This is good habitat for Blue Grosbeak, Yellow-breasted Chat, sparrows, and other skulking species. A number of seldom-seen species have been found in this area including Black-billed Cuckoo, Red-headed Woodpecker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Marsh and Sedge Wrens, Orange-crowned and Connecticut Warblers, and Lincoln’s and Vesper Sparrows. Lark Sparrow and Clay-colored Sparrow are two rarities that have
been found here, but it is only fair to say that conditions when they were recorded were somewhat different as construction was taking place then. Numerous trees have been planted in the area, making the habitat less desirable for sparrows and wrens.

Soccer fields form the interior of the park. This is one of the most reliable places in the county for Horned Larks throughout the year. It is also a good place to watch for flyovers, including nighthawks at twilight, during migration. These fields have occasionally hosted Buff-breasted Sandpipers during fall migration, but you need to look for them before the afternoon soccer play starts. Killdeer are also sometimes seen on the soccer fields. An annually mown warm-season grass field is located west of P 2. It has not been particularly productive for birds, but does attract a variety of butterflies in summer. Grasshopper Sparrows have been known to nest in the weedy area between the westernmost soccer fields so it’s worthwhile looking for them. Willow Flycatcher and Savannah Sparrow (just once) have been confirmed nesting in the park. Merlin and Peregrine Falcon have been seen during migration.

Birding is sparse during the winter: some permanent residents and an occasional Northern Harrier, American  Kestrel, Red-breasted Nuthatch, either kinglet, American Pipit, Hermit Thrush, or Winter Wren may be found. American Tree, Savannah, and Swamp Sparrows are also possible. Depending on the season, the extensive open land along the south side of Carr’s Mill Road opposite the park hosts various species. Flocks of Canada Geese sometimes feed and loaf in the fields along the south side of the road, opposite the park. Cackling, Greater White-fronted, and Snow Geese have all been found here in fall and winter in association with Canadas. During spring and summer, Grasshopper Sparrows can often be seen singing from the fences. Eastern Meadowlarks and Bobolinks (during migration) should be looked for in these fields.

Butterflies: This park contains diverse habitats that attract various butterfly species. The storm water basin at the entrance to the park is a good place to look for butterflies and skippers during the summer and fall. Some of the highlights include Meadow Fritillary, Viceroy, and White M Hairstreak. The interior forest trails host butterflies and skippers that like shaded environments. Northern Pearly-eye, Eastern Comma, Red-banded Hairstreak, Great Spangled Fritillary, azures, and duskywings can be found here. The trails that go along the edges of treed areas and around the fields are good places to look for Monarchs, duskywings, American Copper, hairstreaks, and other common butterflies. Common Checkered Skippers have been found in short-grass areas near the front pond and in the maintenance area. In late fall most sightings are centered around areas that have asters and goldenrod.

Highlights: A large storm water basin (once a pond) (P 1) containing wetland plants and surrounded by weedy vegetation on the slopes was once one of the few reliable places in the county for shorebirds. The altered habitat is now is more likely to host unusual sparrows, rails, and wrens. The treed areas host various warblers during spring and fall migration. The extensive, unfenced, grassy ballfields provide excellent habitat for species associated with turf. The fields across Carrs Mill Road may hold uncommon/rare geese during winter.

Handicapped Access: The extensive paved path system with nearby parking lots at several points allow access to much of the park.