Previous Programs

Since the Howard County Bird Club was founded in 1972, programs have been a vital part of the club’s activities. The programs have been a way to share information, vicariously visit other locations, and provide a social venue.

Below are programs by membership year. Information was gathered from copies of the club’s newsletters. Starting December, 2020, programs were recorded. Those that are available on  the HCBC channel on YouTube and have an active link and are marked YouTube.

Select Decade

2030 - 2021



Sep 14, 2023 – YouTube
Zero to 9900 – A Lifetime of of Birding by Peter Kaestner.
Oct 12, 2023- YouTube
The Wildlife of India’s National Parks by Larry Zoller
Nov 9, 2023- YouTube
Common Tern Raft by Kim Ablplanalp
Dec 14, 2023
The Celebration of Bird Song by Wil Hershberger
Jan 11, 2024- YouTube
Finding Eagles & Owls for the Final Year of the BBA(3) by Sue Muller by Sue Muller
Feb 8, 2024 – YouTube
Miles and miles of Texas – Hill Country and Big Bend by Kurt Schwarz
Mar 14, 2024 –  YouTube HCBC Meeting: Explore the Macro World by Bonnie Ott Apr 11, 2024 –  YouTube

The 2023 Howard County Butterfly Survey Results by Kevin Heffernan

May 9, 2024 –  YouTube

Recent advances in owl biology and conservation by Steve Sheffield


Sep 8, 2022 – YouTube
Bird Colonization in a Restored Prairie in Maryland by Dr. Douglas Gill.
Oct 13, 2022 – YouTube
Gulls of North America by Fred Shaffer
Nov 10, 2022 – YouTube
Historic Amazements by David Holmes.
Dec 8, 2022
Loggerhead Shrike Conservation: Saving
North America’s Butcherbird
by Leighann Cline
Jan 12, 2022 –
2022 Butterfly Survey by Kevin Heffernan
Feb 9, 2023 – YouTube
Colombia, South America by Allen R. Lewis
March 9, 2023 – YouTube
Barn Owls in Maryland
by Andy Brown
April 13, 2023 – YouTube
South Africa: More than Birds by Kurt Schwarz.
 May 11, 2023
Birding during a Semester abroad in Panama by Kojo Baidoo


Sep 9, 2021 – YouTube
Vulture by Katie Fallon
Oct 14, 2021 – YouTube
Asa Wright by Lary Zoller
Nov 11, 2021 – YouTube
Alaska by Joe Hanfman
Dec 9, 2021 – YouTube
Wildlife of Uganda by Bill Young
Jan 13, 2022 – YouTube
Do you have any Pockets? by L. Hunt & K. Heffernan
Feb 10, 2022 – YouTube
USGS North American Breeding Bird Survey by Dave Ziolkowski
Mar 10, 2022 – YouTube
Birding in Panama by Gail Mackiernan
Apr 14, 2022 – YouTube
Expedition to the Kingdom of the Ice Bear by Gerald Winegrad
May 12, 2022 – YouTube
The Birds of National Capital Region by Kurt Schwarz

2020 - 2011


Sep 10, 2020
California Dreaming by Kurt Schwarz
Oct 8, 2020
The Bahama Oriole by Dr. Kevin Omland
Nov 12, 2020
The Birds and the BEES! by Sam Droege
Dec 10, 2020 – YouTube
The Maryland & DC Breeding Bird Atlas 3 by Gabriel Foley
Jan 14, 2021 – YouTube
Backyard Butterflying: Howard County Butterfly Survey Results during the 2020 Pandemic by Kevin Heffernan & Linda Hunt
Feb 11, 2021 – YouTube
Patuxent Riverkeeper by Fred Tutman
Mar 11, 2021 – YouTube
Creek Ecosystem Importance for Breeding Birds and Aquatic Life by Emilio Concari
Apr 8, 2021 – Private
Ghana: Birds, Butterflies, and Mammals and  by Gwen Brewer and George Jett
May 13, 2021 – YouTube
Birding and Beyond in Cuba by Paul Baicich


Sep 12, 2019
Farmland Raptor Nest Box Project in Montgomery and Frederick Counties by Suzanne Shoemaker
Oct 10, 2019
North on the Wing: Travels with the Songbird Migration of Spring by Dr. Bruce M. Beehler
Nov 14, 2019
The Howard County Green Infrastructure Network: An Approach to Defending Bioidiversity and Ecosystem Services by Bill Mahoney
Dec 12, 2019
Cat Wars: Devastating Consequences of a Cuddly Killer by Dr. Peter Marra
Jan 9, 2020
Howard County Butterfly Conservation by Linda Hunt and Kevin Heffernan
Feb 13, 2020
Birds and Other Natural Wonders of Mature Woodlands and Rivers of Howard County by Bonnie Ott



Sep 13, 1018
In Light of Recent Trends in Development: What Does the Future Hold for Our Birds by Beth Decker & Carolyn Parsa
Oct 11, 2018
Youth Birding in Maryland by Joshua Heiser and Daniel and Jonathan Irons, YMOS Birders.
Nov 8, 2018
Nicaragua: Birds, Volcanos, and Cultural History by Joyce Kelly
Dec 13, 2018
Natural Wonders of Assateague Island by Mark Hendricks
Jan 10, 2019
Butterflies of Howard County, Maryland by Linda Hunt & Kevin Heffernan
Feb 14, 2019
Birds of the Meadows, Fields, and Marshes by Bonnie Ott
Mar 14, 2019
Chasing a Desert Apparition: LeConte’s Thrasher by Jay Sheppard
Apr 11, 2019
Wildlife Rehabilitation by Kathleen Woods
May 9, 2019
Mongolia: Birding in the Footsteps of Genghis Khan by Gail Mackiernan


Sep 14, 2017
Namibia Overland by Allen Newis
Oct 12, 2017
Rescuing Cold-stunned Sea Turtles by Sue Muller
Nov 9, 2017
Owls in Myth and Culture: A Global Perspective by David H. Johnson
Dec 14, 2017
Monarch Butterflies: Their Amazing Life History and Current Conservation Status by Pam Spencer
Jan 11, 2018
Bird Sex and Breeding by Murray R. Bakst
Feb 8, 201
Common Sparrows of Central Maryland by Bonnie Ott
Mar 8, 2018
The Azores and Madeira Islands: Endemics and Island Beauty by Phil Davis
Apr 12, 2018
From Mountains to Saltmarsh: Rediscovering the MOS Sanctuaries by Marcia Watson
May 10, 2018
Global Owl Distribution: Diversity and Conservation by Dr. Steve Sheffield


Sep 8, 2016
The Impact of Buildings on Birds by Lindsay Jacks
Oct 13, 2016
“The Messenger” movie
Nov 10, 2016
My Lifetime Quest for Extinct and Vanishing Birds by Chandler S. Robbins
Dec 8, 2016
Of Rice and Rails by Greg Kearns
Jan 9, 2017
Owls in Myth and Culture: In-depth Results from a Global Study by Steve Sheffield (substitute speaker)
Feb 9, 2017
Making Conservation Work for America by Rachel Joiner
Mar 9, 2017
Mom’s Big Year by Nancy McAllister
Apr 13, 2017
Madagascar by Gail Mackiernan
May 11, 2017
Three Decades of Birding Howard County by Bonnie Ott


Sep 10, 2015
Behind the Scenes of the MD/DC Records Committee by Phil Davis
Oct 8, 2015
The Physics and Evolution of Flight by Tom Reider
Nov 12, 2015
Birding and Beyond: Howard County Diversity by Bonnie Ott
Dec 10, 2015
From Alice to Uluru to Kakadu: Birding the Northern Territory of Australia by Dave Harvey
Jan 14, 2016
Our East African Safaris by Barry Miller & Michele Stewart
Feb 11, 2016
James Bond and the Orioles of the Caribbean: How a Spy’s Namesake Set the Stage for Research on the Endangeered Bahama Oriole by Dr. Kevin Omland
Mar 10, 2016
Rachel Carson and Her Maryland Legacy by Dr. Robert K. Musil
Apr 14, 2016
By the Shores of Gitche Gummee by Sue & Wes Earp
May 12, 2016
Nature at Its Finest Moments by Middleton Evans


Sep 11, 2014
Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon: Ecological and Policy Impacts a Centure Later by Dr. David Blockistein
Oct 9, 2014
Coming Home: Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Dispersal in a Migratory Bird, the American Redstart by Clark Rushing
Nov 13, 2014
Ethiopian Natural History by Gail Mackiernan
Dec 11, 2014
Project SNOWstorm: Tracking Snowy Owls during the Great Irruption of 2013-14 by David Brinker
Jan 8, 2015
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: The Fates of the Marine Birds and the Pellagic Sargassum Community by Dr. Chris Haney
Feb 12, 2015
Birds of a Feather: Seasonal Changes on Both Sides of the Atlantic by Colin Rees
Mar 12, 2015
Argentina: Bird Studies and Related Wildlife by Dr. Matthew Perry
Apr 9, 2015
Saving the Sage-Grouse and the Sagebrush Sea by Dr. Mark Salvo
May 14, 2015
Solving the Mysteries of Bird Migration by Dr. Gwen Brewer


Sep 12, 2013
Birding in Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia by Dave and Maureen Harvey
Oct 10, 2013
Hummingbirds of the Mid-Atlantic Region by Bruce Peterjohn
Nov 14, 2013
Birds of the Falklands, South Georgia, and Antarctica by Steve Kent
Dec 12, 2013
Philippine Mega Birds by Gail Mackiernan
Jan 9, 2014
The Osprey: Its Life and Recent Trends on the Patuxent River by Greg Kearns
Feb 13, 2014
Birding Highlights of the Galapagos Islands by Kevin and Karen Heffernan
Mar 13, 2014 — CANCELLED
Coming Home: Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Dispersal in a Migratory Bird, the American Redstart by Clark Rushing
Apr 10, 2014
Birding and Beyond at Howard Hotspots by Bonnie Ott
May 8, 2014
Owls of the U.S. and Canada, and Population Dynamics of the Western Burrowing Owl by Steve Sheffield


Sep 13, 2012
Far Out Alaska: Birding Beringia for a Month by Jay Sheppard
Oct 11, 2012
HCBC’s Spontaneous Online Photo Guide by Richard Smith
Nov 8, 2012
Birding in New Zealand by Tom Field and Geraldine King
Dec 13, 2012
Atlantic Seaduck Project: From Chesapeake Bay to Hudson Bay by Dr. Matt Perry
Jan 10, 2013
Birding Central Asia: How NOT To Do It by Kurt Schwarz
Feb 14, 2013
The Ten Most Important Things You Can Do for Birds and Bird Conservaiton by Paul Baicich
Mar 14, 2013
Shorebirds: Selected Identification Challenges by Cyndie Loeper and John Bjerke
Apr 11, 2013
Enhanced Identification: Seeing Beyond Color by David Holmes
May 9, 2013
Protecting Birds and Airplanes around Local Airports by Jonathon Leddon


Sep 8, 2011
National Wildlife Refuges: Great Birding Made Even Better by Paul Baicich
Oct 13, 2011
Cape May Capers by Kurt Schwarz
Nov 10, 2011
Northern Peru: Naturalist’s Travelogue by Dennis and Jane Koskren and Jim and Rosa Lubitz
Dec 8, 2011
The Birds of Magee Marsh by Ralph Geuder
Jan 12, 2012
When Bad Things Happen to Good Birds: The Decline of the Rusty Blackbird by Dr. Russell Greenberg
Feb 9, 2012
All You Wanted to Know about Herps! by Sue Muller
Mar 8, 2012
Birding in Wales by Mike Bowen
Apr 12, 2012
The Wonderful World of Bats: Why We Should Make Every Effort to Conserve Them by Nina Fascione
May 10, 2012
Birding Equador: Andes to the Rainforest by Kevin and Karen Heffernan

2010 - 2001


Sep 9, 2010
The Birds of Cuba by Dr. William Suarez
Oct 14, 2010
How Bugs Help the World Go Round by Dr. Michael Raupp
Nov 11, 2010
An Edge Effect at the Landscape Scale: Daily Commuting by Brown-headed Blackbirds by Dr. David Curson
Dec 9, 2010
Twenty Years of Changing Birdlife: Results of the 2002-2006 MD-DC Atlas Project by Walter Ellison
Jan 13, 2011
Maryland’s Secretive Marsh Birds: Will They Survive Sea Level Rise? by David Brinker
Feb 10, 2011
The Robinson Nature Center, Its History and Future by Mark Raab
Mar 10, 2011
Enhancing Maryland’s Wood Duck Population One Nest Box at a Time by Cliff Brown
Apr 14, 2011
Understanding the Complex Singing and Social Behaviour of Wood Thrushes by Dr. Kim Derrickson
May 12, 2011
Birds of Southern Africa by Mark Abdy


Sep 10, 2009
A Field of Dreams: Restoration of Native Prairie for Grassland Birds in Maryland by Dr. Douglas Gill
Oct 8, 2009
Birding Peru’s Andes by Dave Harvey
Nov 12, 2009
Aimophia Adventures by Kurt Schwarz
Dec 10, 2009
Where the Ice? by Sue Muller
Jan 14, 2010
Costa Rica, Coast to Coast by Ralph Geuder
Feb 11, 2010
Birding in New Zealand by Tom Field and Geraldine King
Mar 11, 2010
Birding in the Land of the Thunder Dragon: Bhutan by Gail Mackiernan
Apr 8, 2010
Birding South Florida, the Keys, and the Dry Tortugas by Kevin and Karen Heffernan
May 13, 2010
Temperate Zone Biases in Studies of Plumage and Song Evolution: Why Baltimore Orioles Led Us Astray by Dr. Kevin Omland


Sep 11, 2008
Area Hawk Watching: The Sites and Sights by Ralph Geuder
Oct 9, 2008
The Songs of Insects: A Celebration of These Amazing Musicians by Wil Hershberger
Nov 11, 2008
Patuxent Wildlife Center’s Whooping Crane Recovery Program by Kathkleen O’Malley
Dec 11, 2008 W
ildlife of the Galapagos by Steve Kendt
Jan 8, 2009
In Search of My Zornis by Hank Kaesner
Feb 12, 2009
Trogans and Mot-Mots by Kurt Schwarz
Mar 12, 2009
Brazil Highlights by Greg Kearns
Apr 9, 2009
Puerto Rico, Jewel of the Caribbean by Terry Neumyer
May 14, 2009
The Falklands, South Georgia, and the Antarctic Peninsula by Michelle Stewart and Barry Miller


Sep 13, 2007
A Holistic Approach to Bird Conservation in Peru by Beth Zang
Oct 11, 2007
Gardening for Backyard Biodiversity by Craig Tufts
Nov 8, 2007
Rhapsody in Blue-A Celebration of North American Waterbirds by Middleton Evans
Dec 13, 2007
On a Clear Day You Can See LAX: Birding Opportunities near Los Angeles Airports by Jeff and Elayne Metter
Jan 10, 2008
Exotic Asian Birding by Hank Kaesner
Feb 14, 2008
Goshawk: Driven by Its Prey by David Brinker
Mar 13, 2008
Alaskan Adventure by Kevin and Karen Heffernan
Apr 10, 2008
Capturing Costa Rican Birds with a Video Camera by Marty Brazeus
May 8, 2008
Why Not Carry a Camera? by Michael Oberman


Sep 14, 2006
“Birdsong and Coffee: A Wakeup Call” movie
Oct 12, 2006
Maryland’s Next Speciesby Phil Davis
Nov 9, 2006
From Crow Family Soap Operas to Online Biodiversity</b >by Dr. Cynthia Parr
Dec 14, 2006
Capturing Bird Images in Kenya by Dr. Stephen Kent
Jan 11, 2007
How a Lady Bird-Watcher Changed the World by Hank Kaesner
Feb 8, 2007
Field Ornithology Workshop by Sherry Tomlinson
Mar 8, 2007
Movin’ In March-It’s All So Brown by David Holmes
Apr 12, 2007
The Ecology of American Redstarts During Winter. No Tropical Vacation! by Colin Studds
May 10, 2007
Birding in Belize by Kevin and Karen Heffernan


Sep 8, 2005
The Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program in Maryland and D.C. by Dr. David Curson
Oct 13, 2005
Birding in Patterson Park, Baltimore by Middleton Evans
Nov 10, 2005
Birds and Bats of Brazil by George Jett & Gwen Brewer
Dec 8, 2005
Establishing Wildlife Habitat on Residential Property by Daryl Dutrow
Jan 12, 2006
More Adventures of an Intrepid Birder by Hank Kaesner
Feb 9, 2006
Contrasting Breeding Strategies of Two Species of Orioles: First Documentation of Double-breeding in Orchard Orioles by Spring Ligi
Mar 9, 2006
Special Birds and The Breeding Bird Atlas in Howard County by Jo Solem and Bonnie Ott
Apr 13, 2006
Australian Mts. Adventures: The Great Kingfisher Quest by Elayne and Jeff Metter
May 11, 2006
Costa Rican Natural History by Dennis and Jane Coskren


Sep 9, 2004
Birding in Remote Parts of China by Dr. Donald Messersmith
Oct 14, 2004
Birdlife on Travels in India by Arlene Ripley
Nov 4, 2004
The Broader View: What to Look for After You’ve Nailed the Family by David Holmes
Dec 9, 2004
Wildlife of Northern Canada: Gyrfalcons to Grizzly Bears by Bob Schaefer
Jan 13, 2005
Forty Years of Birding by Hank Kaesner
Feb 10, 2005
Raptors Rule: A Visit with Live Birds of Prey by Mike Callahan
Mar 10, 2005
A Naturalist’s Trip across Puru by Dennis Coskren
Apr 14, 2005
Monarch Butterfly Migration Research at Chincoteague NWR by Denise Gibbs
May 12, 2005
Frogwatch by Sue Muller


Sep 11, 2003
Helping Your Records Committee Document Rarities by Paul O’Brian
Oct 9, 2003
Hot and Cold Birding by Barry Miller and Michelle Stewart
Nov 13, 2003
A Southern Oceans Expedition: Scenery and Wildlife of the Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia and Falkland Islands by Phil and Barbara Davis
Dec 11, 2003
An International Birder’s Odyssey by Hank Kaesner
Jan 8, 2004
Little Brown Birds: Identifying the Sparrows by Walter Ellison
Feb 12, 2004
The Usual Suspects: An Unusual Display of Central Maryland Birds by Greg Furtral
Mar 11, 2004
Winter Hummingbirds in the Mid-Atlantic Region by Mary Gustafson
Apr 15, 2004
Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice by Greg Kearns
May 13, 2004
Tex-Mex Raptors (and Their Prey): Looking for Bird of Prey in Texas and Mexico, 2003 by Ralph Geuder


Sep 12, 2002
Deer Management in Howard County: Concerns and Conflicts by Phil Norman
Oct 10, 2002
Caribbean Birding on the Greater and Lesser Antilles by Gail Mackiernan
Nov 14, 2002
Impacts of the El Nino Cycle on Migratory Bird Songs by Scott Sillet
Dec 12, 2002
Birdwatching Odyssey by Hank Kaesner
Jan 9, 2003
Whooping Crane Program by Dr. George Gee
Feb 13, 2003
Colorado Chicken Trek by Bob Ringler
Mar 13, 2003
Identification Tips for Confusing Howard County Birds by David Holmes
Apr 10, 2003
Maryland’s Great Outdoors by Middleton Evans
May 8, 2003
Conserving Maryland’s Rare Butterflies by Richard Smith


Sep 13, 2001
Maryland Coast to Crest: A Look at Our State’s Biodiversity by Dr. Charles Stine
Oct 20, 2001
The Joy of Atlasing by Chandler Robbins
Nov 8, 2001
What a Wonderful Bird is the Pelican: Brown Pelicans in Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay by David Brinker
Dec 13, 2001
A Birdwatching Odyssey by Hank Kaesner
Jan 10, 2002
Costa Rica in the Year 2002 with MOS by Darius Ecker
Feb 14,2002
Giant Panda Conservation and Management by Lisa Stevens
Mar 14, 2002
“Where the Heron Finds His Home” movie
Apr 11,2002
Life History of the Purple Martin by Kathy Klimkiewicz
May 9, 2002
Random Momemts in Nature by Michael Smith

2000 - 1991


Sep 14, 2000
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center by Dr. Matt Perry
Oct 12, 2000
Birds of Eastern Australia and Papua New Guinea by Dave Harvey
Nov 12, 2000
Hart-Miller Island: A Brief History by Gene Scarpulla
Dec 14, 2000
Cuba: You Can’t Get There From Here by Hank Kaener
Jan 11, 2001 —CANCELLED
Maryland Coast to Coast: A Look at Our State’s Diverse Wildlife by Dr. Charles Stine
Feb 8, 2001
The Role of Bird Rehabilitation in Conservation and Education by Corin Parks
Mar 8, 2001
Birding the Other Aleutians by Scott Crabtree
Apr 5, 2001
Birds and Mammals of Northern Tanzania by Craig Sholley
May 10, 2001
Fall in Manitoba: Polar Bears and More by Ralph Geuder


Sep 9, 1999
Conserving Birds Using Satellites “ by Blake Henke
Oct 14, 1999
Maryland’s Himalayas by Dennis Coskren
Nov 11, 1999
Spring in Ontario: Birds of Algonquin Park, Point Pelee, Long Point and Rondeau by Ralph Geuder
Dec 9, 1999
The Birds of Nambia in Southwestern Africa by Hank Kaestner
Jan 13, 1999
Landbird Survey at Aberdeen Proving Ground by Jim McCann
Feb 10, 2000
Rare Birds of Maryland by Mark Hoffman
Mar 7, 2000
A Seasonal Progression of Wildflowers by Bob Solem
Apr 3, 2000
Timeless Patterns: The Seasons at Churchill by Bob Mumford
May 11, 2000
When Birds Become Problems by Bill Bridgeland


Sep 10, 1998
Desert and Tropical Birds of Queensland Australia by Dr. Donald Messersmith
Oct 8, 1998
Impact and Management of the Introduced Mute Swan in Maryland by Larry Hindman
Nov 12, 1998
A Tale of Two Islands: Appledore in Maine and the Farallons in California by David Holmes
Dec 12, 1998
Research Findings on Steller’s Sea Eagles by Mike McGrady
Jan 14, 1999 — CANCELLED

The Birds of Namibia in Southwestern Africa by Hank Kaesner
Feb 11, 1999
The Yellow Book and How to Use It by Bob Ringler
Mar 11, 1999
Birding the Adirondacks: a Boreal Bonznza by Bill Barber
Apr 8, 1999
Ecological Factors Influencing Avian Nest Success by Jeff Duguay
May 13, 1999
Earthwatch Findings from the Whooping Crane Relase Program in Florida by Michael Kreger


Sep 11, 1997
Birds of Prey: Adaptations and Natural History by Mike Mennett
Oct 9, 1997
The Dark Side of the Loon: Migration and Winter Biology of the Common Loon by Dr. Paul Spitzer
Nov 13, 1997
A Trip to the Galapagos by Ralph Geuder
Dec 11, 1997
Maasi Mara to the Mountains of the Moon by Craig Sholley
Jan 8, 1997
Cinnamon Buns and the Cinnamon-rumped Trogons by Hank Kaesner
Feb 12, 1998
Saw-whet Migration: What We Know and Don’t Know by David Brinker
Mar 12, 1998
What’s New in Central America: Protecting Birds and Their Habitats by Chandler S.Robbins
Apr 9, 1998
A Photo Safari to the Texas Gulf Coast by Greg Kearns
May 14, 1998
Birding in England by Larry Hood


Sep 12, 1996
Life and Times of the Golden Swamp Warbler by Lisa Petit
Oct 10, 1997
Wild Turkeys in Maryland by Steve Bitner
Nov 14, 1996
Breeding Bird Atlas Findings: Surprises and Confirmations by Karhy Klimkiewicztd
Dec 12, 1996
The Bald Eagle’s Status in Maryland by Glenn Therres
Jan 9, 1997 — CANCELLED
Butterflies for Birders
by Richard Smith
Feb 13, 1997
Birding Adventures of a Spice Buyer by Hank Kaesner
Mar 13, 1997
Sights and Sounds of Early Migrants by David Holmes
Apr 10, 1997
Butterflies for Birders by Richard Smith
May 8, 1997
Safari to Kruger national Park, South Africa by Dave Harvey


Sep 14, 1995
Northern Mockingbirds: The Natural History and Anaylsys of the Vocal and Breeding Patterns by Dr. Kim Derrickson
Oct 12, 1995
Sora Rails at Jug May by Greg Kearns
Nov 9 , 1995
Migration and Breeding Habits of Neotropical Birds by Peter Stangel
Dec 14, 1995 — CANCELLED
Black Skimmers: Strikers in the Night
by David Brinker
Jan 11, 1996 —CANCELLED
Breeding Bird Atlas Findings: Surprises and Confirmaitons
by Kathy Klimkiewicz
Feb 8, 1996
Exotic Island Birds: Near and Far by Hank Kaesner
Mar 14, 1996
Sora Rails at Jug Bay by Greg Kearns
Apr 18, 1996
Three Centuries of Birds by Janet Millenson
May 9, 1996
Black Skimmers: Strikers in the Night by David Brinker


Sep 8, 1994
Identification of Hawks in Fight by Paul Engman
Oct 13, 1994
Loggerhead Shrikes in Maryland by Laurie MacIvor
Nov 10, 1994
Other Things That Fly: Dragonflies by Richard Orr
Dec 8, 1994
Gull Identification by Eirik Blom
Jan 12, 1995
Birds of Brazil by Dave Harvey
Feb 9, 1994
Gone Birding by Phil Davis
Mar 9, 1994
Neotropicals, Their Ecology and Decline by George Jett
Apr 13, 1995
Birds of the Blue Ridge by Marcus Simpson
May 11, 1995
Birds of Patagolia and Tierra del Fuego by Hank Kaesnter


Sep 9, 1993
Endangered Species Act by Susan Jones
Oct 14, 1993
The Art and History of Falconry by Michael Dupuy
Nov 11, 1993
Farewell to Midway by Claudia Wilds and Erika Wilson
Dec 9, 1993
Wood Ducks by Mike Harms
Jan 13, 1994
Beyond the Field Guides: Applying Banding Information to Field Observation by David Holmes
Feb 10, 1994 —CANCELLED

Bird Feeder Studies in Howard County
by Dr. Aelred Geis
Mar 10, 1994
Rescuing Rattlers by Scott Smith
Apr 14, 1994
Birding Costa Rica by Bob Ringler
May 12, 1994
Bird Feeder Studies in Howard County by Dr. Aelred Geis


Sep 10, 1992
Birds of Prey by Bill Troutman
Oct 8, 1992
Forest Fragmentation and Nesting Birds by Chandler Robbins
Nov 12, 1992
Secret Life of Rails by Greg Kearns
Dec 10, 1992 — CANCELLED
Approaches to Bird Art
by John Taylor
Jan 14, 1993
Maryland State Income Tax Check-off Program and Backyard Habitats by Rick Leader and Edith Thompson
Feb 11, 1992
Alaska Wilderness Adventure by Ralph Geuder
Mar 11, 1993
Identification Lecture by David Holmes
Apr 8, 1993
Approaches to Bird Art by John Taylor
May 13, 1993
Northern Saw-whet Owl in Maryland by David Brinker


Sep 12, 1991
Piping Plovers in Maryland by Laurie MacIvor
Oct 10, 1991
A Visit to the Galapagos by Ann Coren
Nov 14, 1991
Roseate Terms: Conservation and Management in the Northeast by Jeff Spendelow
Dec 12, 1991
Birding in China by George Chase
Jan 9, 1992
“Castles of Clay” movie
Feb 13, 1992
Where the Money Goes (Chesapeake Bay and Endangered Species Fund) by Rick Leader
Mar 12, 1992
Birding in Hawii by Dave Harvey
Apr 9, 1992
North Dakota Birding by Greg Kearns
May 14, 1992
Little Green Birds by David Holmes

1990 - 1981


Sep 10, 1990
Birds of Prey by Bill Troutman
Oct 8, 1990
Forest Fragmentation and Nesting Birds by Chandler Robbins
Nov 12, 1990
Secret Life of Rails by Greg Kearns
Dec 10, 1990
Appreciation of Bird Art by John R. Taylor
Jan 10, 1991
“The Predators” movie
Feb 14, 1991
Two Badly Injured Bluebirds by Sister Barbara Ann
Mar 14, 1991
Barn Owls in Maryland by Glenn Therres
Apr 11, 1991
Return of the Raptors by Robert Schutsky
May 9, 1991
Identifying Warblers by Sight and Sound by David Holmes and Pete Webb


Sep 14, 1989
The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center by Dr. Matt Perry and Carol Silberg
Oct 8, 1990
Forest Fragmentation and Nesting Birds by Chandler Robbins
Nov 9, 1989
The Canada Goose in Maryland by Larry Hindman
Dec 14, 1989
For Today Save Tomorrow by Linda Fields
Jan 11, 1990
Birding in Peru by Dave Harvey
Feb 8, 1990
Identifying the Little Brown Birds by David Holmes
Mar 12, 1990
Birding in Hawaii by Dave Harvey
Apr 9, 1990
North Dakota Birding by Greg Kearns
May 14, 1990
Little Green Birds by David Holmes


Sep 8, 1988
An Evening with Michael Smith by Michael Smith
Oct 13, 1988
Birds That Go Beep: Tracking Birds by Satellite by Tom Strikwerda
Nov 10, 1988
Birds at the Window Feeder by Dr. David Thornbill
Dec 8, 1988
“Rainforest” movie
Jan 12, 1989
Mini-route Bird Surveys by David Holmes and Sam Droege
Feb 9, 1989
Birding in Churchill by Dave Harvey and Chuch Stirrat
Mar 9, 1989
A Bluebird Evening by Joe Suess, Mark Wallace, and Chuch Dupree
Apr 13, 1989
Wildflowers and Nature by Ted Oberman
May 11, 1989
Birding the Western States by Paul Zucker



Sep 10, 1987
Endangered Species in Maryland: What Is Being Done? by Ghenn Therres
Oct 8, 1987
Are Those Bird Real? by Greg Kearns
Nov 12, 1987
Fifteenth Birthday Celebration
Dec 10, 1987
Birds of Trinidad and Tobago by Bill Murphy
Jan 14, 1988
“The Garden of Eden” and “Treasures of the North” movies
Feb 11, 1988
All About Bird Banding by Kathy Klemkiewicz
Mar 10, 1988
Little Brown Birds by David Holmes
Apr 14, 1988
Identifying Sandpipers by Bob Ringler
May 12, 1988
The Maryland Natural Heritage Program: A Howard County Perspective by Chris Ludwig


Sep 11, 1986
Birding Adventures in Mexico by Chandler Robbins
Oct 9, 1986
The Wonders of the New Jersey Pine Barrens by Jim Stasz
Nov 13, 1986
Whales and Seabirds by Ron Naveen
Dec 11, 1986
Bird Banding on Appledore Island, Maine by David Holmes
Jan 8, 1987
“Twilight of an Estuary” movie
Feb 12, 1987
British Birds by Joe Van Auder
Mar 12, 1987
“The Great Blue Heron and Other Wildlife of the Patuent River” movie and talk by Richard Donish by Richard Donish
Apr 9, 1987
Atlas: The Final Year by Eirik Blom
May 14, 1987
Flowers and Birds by Joyce Kelly


Sep 12, 1985
Wildlife Art by John W. Taylor
Oct 10, 1985
Endangered Bird Species by Dr. George Gee
Nov 14, 1985
A Wyoming Experience: Audubon Nature Camp by Jane Geuder and “A Special Place” movie
Dec 12, 1985
The Scarlett Story: Peregrine Falcons Return by John Barber
Jan 9, 1986
“Time for Survival” and “Kirtland’s Warbler” movies
Feb 13, 1986
Cavity Nesting Birds of Howard County panel discussion and movie
Mar 13, 1986
Out of East Africa by David Holmes
Apr 10, 1986
Trailing Arbutus and Other Bloomin’ Things by Bob Solem
May 8, 1986
Eagles of the North Chesapeake by Janice Chase


Sep 15, 1983
Wildlife at Aberdeen Proving Ground by Joe Ondek
Oct 13, 1983
itoring Natural Habitats from Space
by Dr. Nicholas Short
Nov 10, 1983
Migration at Point Pelee
by Lola Oberman
Dec 8, 1983
Bring Back the Bluebirds
by Lawrence Zeleny
Jan 12, 1984
Ecology of the Pine Barrens
by Anneke Davis
Feb 9, 1984
Costa Rica’s National Parks by Gerald Einem
Mar 8, 1984 – CANCELLED

Wildflowers of Howard County
by Ruth Linn
Apr 12, 1984
Ringers, Twitchers, and Dip-outs
by David Holmes
May 10, 1984
Butterfly Gardening
by Robert T. Mitchell


Sep 15, 1983
Wildlife at Aberdeen Proving Ground by Joe Ondek
Oct 13, 1983
Monitoring Natural Habitats from Space by Dr. Nicholas Short
Nov 10, 1983
Migration at Point Pelee by Lola Oberman
Dec 8, 1983
Bring Back the Bluebirds by Lawrence Zeleny
Jan 12, 1984
Ecology of the Pine Barrens by Anneke Davis
Feb 9, 1984
Costa Rica’s National Parks by Gerald Einem
Mar 8, 1984 – CANCELLED
Wildflowers of Howard County
by Ruth Linn
Apr 12, 1984
Ringers, Twitchers, and Dip-outs by David Holmes
May 10, 1984
Butterfly Gardening by Robert T. Mitchell


Sep 10, 1981
Adventures in South American Birding by Robert Traver
Oct 9, 1981
Birding Across the Continent by Dr. Donald Messersmith
Nov 11, 1982 – CANCELLED
Encounters with Swans in Maryland, Alaska, and Japan
by Dr. William Sladen
Dec 9, 1982
Birds of Mexico by Doug Cook
Jan 14, 1982 – CANCELLED
Bird Feeding: Facts and Fallacies by Dr. Aelred Geis
Feb 11, 1982
What Is Bird Song by Dr. E. G. Morton
Mar 11, 1982
Birding in the Grasslands of Colorado by Dr. Don Creighton
Apr 1, 1982
Shorebird Identification by Claudia Wilds
May 13, 1982
Raptor Research by Dr. Mark Fuller

1980 - 1972


Sep 11, 1980
Nassawango Creek Preserve by Steve Hamblin
Oct 9, 1980
Wildlife Plantings in Urban Areas by Tom Franklin
Nov 13, 1980
Wetlands of the Chesapeake Bay by Chick Rhodahamel
Dec 11, 1980
Gull Identification by Jim Stasz
Jan 8, 1981
Adventure from Lake Okechobee to the Dry Tortugas by Kathy Klimkiewicz
Feb 12, 1981
Member’s slide show
Mar 12, 1981
Prehistoric Birds of Maryland by Bill Hilgartner
Apr 9, 1981
Closeup of Nature (insects] by Robert K. Hoffman
May 14, 1981
Spring Warblers by David Holmes


Sep 13, 1979
Birds of Australia by Chandler Robbins
Oct 13, 1979
Planting the Backyard for Birds by Alice Grant
Nov 8, 1979
The World of Geoplogy by Dr. Nicholas Short
Dec 13, 1079
Fossils of the Cliffs of Calvert County by Rick Charlton
Jan 24, 1980
Nature Studies by Luther Goldman
Feb 14, 1980
Members’ slide show
Mar 20, 1980
Spring Wildflowers of Howard County by Bob & Jo Solem
Apr 17, 1980
The Ecology of the Deciduous Forest by John Shuke
May 15, 1980
Tepuis, Todys, and Toucans by David Holmes


Sep 14, 1978
The Endandered Species Research Program at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center by Dr. George Gee
Oct 12, 1978
Maryland Department of Natural Resources movie
Nov 9, 1978
Sparrow Identification by David Holmes
Dec 14, 1978
Birds of the Falkland Islands, South Georgia Antarctic Peninsula by Claudia Wilds
Jan 11, 1979
Birds of the East Coast by George Halleron
Feb 8, 1979
Members’ slide show
Mar 8, 1979
Birds, Botany, Herptiles of the Smokies and Southern Appalachians by “Kris” Krishnamoorthy
Apr 19, 1979
The Courtship of Animals by Mary Leister
May 10, 1979
Helping the Eastern Bluebird by Lawrence Zeleny


Sep 8, 1977
The Galapagos Islands by Jean Nobel and Marty Chestem
Oct, 1978 – NOT LISTED Nov 10, 1977
What Bird Is That? by Col. Bodenstein
Dec 8, 1977
Fungi by Dr. David Parr
Jan 12, 1978
Federal Aid to States to Encourage Wildlife Protection by Dr. Lowell Adams
Feb 9, 1978
Members’ slide show
Mar 9, 1978
Birds of the U.S. by Robert Ringler
Apr 13, 197
Birds of Kenya by Chandler S. Robibins
May 11, 1978
Marsh and Water Birds slide show


Sep 9, 1976
Marshes by Col. Bodenstein
Oct 14, 1976
Alaskan Adventure by John and Eileen Clegg
Nov 11, 1976
Life History of the Purple Martin by Kathy Klemkiewicz
Dec, 1976 – NOT LISTED
Jan 13, 1977
Birds at the Feeder by Steve Simon
Feb 10, 1977
Members’ slide show
Mar 10, 1077
Amphibians and Reptiles of Maryland by William Shirey
Apr 14, 1977
Newfoundland Coast by Fred Rhinelander
May 12, 1977
“West Virginia Foray with Brooks Bird Club” & Dolly Sods Natural Area” movies


Sep 11, 1975
Bird of the Everglades by Robert Herdon
Nov 13, 1975
Anarctica by George Johke 1975
The Nature Conservancy in Maryland by Tom Newman
Oct 9, 1975
The Nature Conservancy in Maryland by Tom Newman
Dec 1975 – NOT LISTED
Jan 8, 1976
Birds of Prey by Jim Ruos
Feb 12,1976
Shorebirds by Steve Simon
Mar 11, 1976
Members’ slide show
Apr 8, 1976
Spring Warblers by Chandler Robbins
May 13, 1976
“Mark Catesby, the Naturalist” movie


Sep 12, 1974
Bird Studies Near Point Barrow, Alaska by Dr. Tom Custer
Oct 10, 1974
Eastern Shore Birding by Robert Herndon
Nov 14, 1974
Music and the Sparrow Song by Dr. James Mulligan
Dec 12, 1974
Breeding of Barn Owls in Captivity Dr. Erwin Klaas
Jan 9, 1975
Birds of Hawaii by David Olson
Feb 13, 1975
Whistling Swan by Dr. William Sladen
Mar 13, 1975
Birds of the Southern Appalachian Mountains by Dr. Mark Simpson
Apr 10, 1975
Whooping Crane, Fish and Wildlife Service slide show
May 8, 1975
Members’ slide show


Sep 13, 1973
Hawks by Larry Hood
Oct, 1973 – NOT LISTED Nov, 1973 – NOT LISTED Dec 13, 1973
Office of Endangered Species Activities by Earl Baysinger
Jan 10, 1974
Birds of the South Pacific by Dr. Cameron Kepler
Feb 14, 1974
Breeding Bird Atlas Project in Howard County by Kathy Klimkiewicz
Mar 14, 1974
Effect of Concentrated Urban Development on Bird Life by Dr, Aelrod Geis
Apr, 1974 – NOT LISTED May 9, 1974
Avian Architects Part 2: nests, eggs, and young birds by Jerry Longcore


Dec 14, 1972
Winter Birds of Howard Country by Chandler Robbins
Jan 11, 1973
Avian Architects, Part 1 by Jerry Longcore
Feb 8, 1973
Motmots, Milpas, and Maya by Dr. Erwin Klass
Mar 8, 1973
Greenland and Iceland by Dr. Donald Messersmith
Apr 12, 1973
African Adventures by David Holmes
May 10, 1973
Department of Natural Resources Activities and movie, “Birds of Prey of Northeastern Ncrth America” by Marvin Meyers
Jun 14, 1973
Birds of the West, California in Particular by Robert Herndon