Howard County Bird Club
A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society
Comet Darner
Place name abbreviations: MPEA – Middle Patuxent Environment Area; PRSP – Patuxent River State Park; PVSP – Patapsco River Valley State Park; WMA – Wildlife Management Area.
Click on the common name to obtain additional information. Legend:
Species common name Scientific name |
Length (in inches; M and F if different) | Flight season Relative abundance |
Habitat. |
Comet Darner Anax longipes |
3.0-3.4″ | E-May — M-Aug Uncommon |
Habitat: Sometimes on ponds; borrow (sterile, shallow, gravel) pits/semi-permanent, usually grassy, ponds; ample shoreline vegetation of rushes, pickerelweed, etc. Larvae do not seem to compete well w/ other dragonflies or fish. Rarely seen at rest. Does not join feeding swarms. |
June 6, 2020
Jim Wilkinson
June 4, 2013
Elkhorn Garden Plots
Jim Wilkinson
Female (ovipositor)
August 18, 2001
Fulton Schools
Bob Solem
June 1, 1999
Gateway Business Park
Jo Solem