Baltimore Checkerspot

Place name abbreviations: MPEA – Middle Patuxent Environment Area; PRSP – Patuxent River State Park; PVSP – Patapsco River Valley State Park; UMDCF – University of Maryland Central Farm.

Click on the common name to obtain additional information from the Butterflies and Moths of North America web page. BugGuide is another web resource.


Common name [Link is to BAMONA] (wingspan range in inches) Occurrence level & flight period.
Habitat. Typically visits (for nectaring). Larval host plants.


Baltimore Checkerspot (1.75–2.75″) Rare: M-Jun Interiors of marshes Grassblades, daisies Turtlehead

Marriottsville (PVSP)

June 29, 2009
Marriottsville Road (PVSP)
Bill Sherman

Windy Knolls

Photos 2-5: Baltimore Checkerspot Restoration 2000 Near Sykesville (Howard County) Sue Muller

Windy Knolls
Windy Knolls
Windy Knoll Drive
There have been no sightings during the butterfly survey period, so there are no phenograms or early-late dates.