Western Tanager
Riverside Estates, Columbia
(photos from January 5, 2024)
Sykesville and Marriottsville
First there was a report from someone in Sykesville. Only a few days later, there was another report of a Western Tanager from Marriottsville, less than a mile from the first sighting. The bird was more cooperative at that location, and several birders got pictures while respecting the request from the landowner for restricted access and a limit on the time spent on site.
Altogether there were reports of the Western Tanager in the Sykesville Howard County area from January 29 – February 21, 2021.
At the second location, sometimes the bird was in the treetops, sometimes in the shrubbery, but fortunately often visible at the feeder when the cameras were aimed. The first location was less accessible, and the bird was only confirmed there for a couple of days.