Tundra Swan

Cornell’s All About Birds

Learn the differences between Trumpeter Swans and Tuntra Swans in the May-June 2024 issue of The Goldfinch (page 8).

Centennial Park March 9, 2014
Photo by Richard Orr

Centennial Park
March 9, 2014
Photo by Richard Orr

Lake Elkhorn April 25, 2013
Photo by Kurt Schwarz

Lake Elkhorn
April 25, 2013
Photo by Kurt Schwarz

Compare Trumpling (Trumpeter X TundraSwan)

Lake Elkhorn January 1, 2001
Photo by June Tveekrem

Lake Elkhorn
January 1, 2001
Photo by June Tveekrem

Centennial Park November 24, 2014
Photo by Rod Quinio

Centennial Park
November 24, 2014
Photo by Rod Quinio

on left and Tundra Swan

Brighton Dam January 13, 2013
Photo by Howard Patterson

Lake Elkhorn
April 25, 2013
Photo by Kurt Schwarz