Common Raven
Juvenile Common Ravens: a video by John Harris from Dorsey Hall Shopping Center, May 19, 2020
Two juvenile Common Ravens: a video by Annette Allor from Wincopin Trail, May 25, 2023
Common Raven family: a video by Annette Allor from Wincopin Neck Trail, May 3, 2024
The last two photos show a parent and the nest in the overhanging ledge on the dam. The occupied nest that year was on the Howard County side and was only verified when the female flew in and the male flew off.
Note the frazzled tail on the adult bird in the first photo. It was determined that this was an adult bird which, when it turned around against the rough concrete of the dam face on the ledge where the nest was located, had worn its tail feather to the point they were really bedraggled!
* Sponsored by Jo Solem