Amphibian and Reptile (Herp) Photo Gallery

Amphibians and reptiles are collectively known as “herpetofauna” or “herps.” Although statewide surveys were conducted by a handful of individuals in the 1960s and 1970s, no consistent surveys were made until more recently. In 2010, the Natural History Society of Maryland and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources initiated the Maryland Amphibian and Reptile Atlas (MARA). The Howard County Coordinator, Sue Muller, directed dozens of volunteers in the effort to verify local herps. An overwhelming majority of the images shown were a result of the MARA effort.

There are seven major groups, but there are no photos for the seventh—Exotics. Click on the individual species name for a link to the photos for that species. An asterisk following the species name indicates no photos.


Eastern Musk Turtle
Stemotherus odoratus
Still or slow-moving mud-bottomed streams, rivers, ponds, lakes. Highly aquatic; patrols bottom.

June 16, 2007
Sewell's Orchard
Sue Muller
June 16, 2007 Sewell's Orchard Sue Muller
July 18, 2018
A.E. Mullinix Road/Daisy Road<
Wesley Earp
July 18, 2018 A.E. Mullinix Road/Daisy Road< Wesley Earp
July 18, 2018
A.E. Mullinix Road/Daisy Road
Wesley Earp
July 18, 2018 A.E. Mullinix Road/Daisy Road Wesley Earp
August 2, 2014
Lake Elkhorn
Jim Wilkinson
August 2, 2014 Lake Elkhorn Jim Wilkinson
Eastern Mud Turtle
Kinostemon subrubrum subrubrum
Shallow, soft-bottomed slow-moving to still waterways w/ abundant vegetation; ditches, wet meadows Basks  little; quite terrestrial (more so than E. Musk); frequently crosses roads; most often seen after rains in humid sites, esp. mornings & evenings. CoastalPlain species that has moved into e. Piedmont Omnivorous

April 23, 2016
Savage - NE
Debora Milburn
April 23, 2016 Savage - NE Debora Milburn
April 23, 2016
Savage - NE
Debora Milburn
April 23, 2016 Savage - NE Debora Milburn
Eastern Box Turtle
Terrapene carolina carolina
Moist forests, wet meadows, pastures, floodplains. Essentially terrestrial. Often seen early in day after rains. Omnivorous.

July 18, 2010
Savage - SW
Richard Orr
July 18, 2010 Savage - SW Richard Orr
May 3, 2010
Mount Pleasant
Jeff Culler
May 3, 2010 Mount Pleasant Jeff Culler
April 5, 2011
Richard Orr
April 5, 2011 Pigtail Richard Orr
May 1, 2009
Wincopin Trail
Jo Solem
May 1, 2009 Wincopin Trail Jo Solem
August 21, 2010<
Woodbine - CE
Wes Earp
Female August 21, 2010< Woodbine - CE Wes Earp
Spotted Turtle
Clemmys guttata
Shallow wetlands, marshy meadows, beaver ponds, wet pastures, small woodland streams. Needs soft substrate w/ some aquatic vegetation. Basks early. Spends considerable time on land. Chiefly diurnal, few active in rainy weather. Omnivorous scavenger.

April 19, 2014
Sykesville - SW
Bonnie Ott
April 19, 2014 Sykesville - SW Bonnie Ott
April 19, 2014
Sykesville - SW
Bonnie Ott
April 19, 2014 Sykesville - SW Bonnie Ott
April 27, 2013
Woodbine - NE
Mark Wallace
April 27, 2013 Woodbine - NE Mark Wallace
May 20, 2012
Stevens Road
Savage - SW
May 20, 2012
Stevens Road
Savage - SW

False Map Turtle
Graptemys psudogeographica

Rivers, swamps, lakes. Basks frequently. Introduced.

June 28, 2010
Lake Elkhorn
Kathy Colston
June 28, 2010 Lake Elkhorn Kathy Colston
September, 2010
Lake Elkhorn
Sue Muller
(Hatched from eggs collected!)
September, 2010 Lake Elkhorn Sue Muller (Hatched from eggs collected!)

Eastern Painted Turtle
Chrysemys picta picta

Hard sand or gravel-bottomed cool streams in deciduous woods, red maple swamps, marshy meadows. Although usually near water, highly terrestrial, esp. summer Primarily diurnal. Fall Line west. Omnivorous.

March 31, 2010<
Lake Elkhorn
Bob Solem
March 31, 2010< Lake Elkhorn Bob Solem
April 24, 2012
Centennial Park
Bonnie Ott
April 24, 2012 Centennial Park Bonnie Ott
October 28, 2007
Bill Hill
October 28, 2007
Bill Hill
July 4, 2009
Brown Bridge
Jo Solem
Laying eggs
July 4, 2009 Brown Bridge Jo Solem Laying eggs

Red-eared Slider
Trachemys scripta

Quiet waters w/ muddy bottoms & profusion of vegetation; frequently travels overland between aquatic habitats. Basks (sometimes stacked) for significant part of day on logs projecting above water or on vegetation, seldom seen on banks. Primarily diurnal. Omnivorous (young—carnivorous)

June 4, 2008
Warfield Pond Park
Sue Earp
June 4, 2008 Warfield Pond Park Sue Earp
April 5, 2010
Lake Elkhorn
Richard Orr
April 5, 2010 Lake Elkhorn Richard Orr
July 22, 2012
Centennial Park
Annette Allor
July 22, 2012 Centennial Park Annette Allor
July 28, 2012
Centennial Park
Sue Muller
July 28, 2012 Centennial Park Sue Muller

Eastern Snapping Turtle
Chelydra serpentina serpentina

Almost any body of freshwater; likes soft mud or sandy bottoms & abundant vegetation or submerged brush & tree trunks. Highly aquatic, but makes long overland treks. Rarely basks. Some activity at all hours. Omnivorous.

May 27, 2019
Meadowbrook Park
Howard Patterson
May 27, 2019 Meadowbrook Park Howard Patterson
June 3, 2010
Daniels Road (PVSP)
Bob Solem
June 3, 2010 Daniels Road (PVSP) Bob Solem
April 1, 2010
Clarksville - NW
Jeff Culler
April 1, 2010 Clarksville - NW Jeff Culler
May 11, 2014
Alpha Ridge Park
Nancy Magnusson
May 11, 2014 Alpha Ridge Park Nancy Magnusson

Centennial Park April 3, 2019 John Harris Video

Northern Red-bellied Cooter
Pseudemys rubiventris

Relatively deep water bodies, moderate gradient rivers, floodplain marshes, oxbows w/ soft bottoms & many basking sites as well as aquatic plants. Much basking; wary. Mostly diurnal. Coastal Plain w/ movement into eastern Piedmont. Mostly herbivorous (young—omnivorous).

April 9, 2012
Scott's Cove
Wes Earp
April 9, 2012 Scott's Cove Wes Earp
April 18, 2008
Race Road (PVSP)
Emy Holdridge
April 18, 2008 Race Road (PVSP) Emy Holdridge
August 20, 2011
Woodbine - SE
Sue Muller
August 20, 2011 Woodbine - SE Sue Muller
March 1, 2012
Woodbine - SE
Annette Allor
March 1, 2012 Woodbine - SE Annette Allor


Eastern Fence Lizard
Sceloporus undulates
Open woodlands, rock outcrops & boulders, rotting logs & stumps, rail fences, pine woods, dry sunny locations. Strongly arboreal; found on walls as well as in trees. Diurnal. Chiefly insectivorous.

August 15, 2013
Marilyn Dorfman
August 15, 2013 Columbia Marilyn Dorfman
Common Five-lined Skink
Plestiodon fasciatus
Cutover woodlots (especially pine) w/ rotting stumps & logs, humid woods w/ thick leaf litter, rock piles, boulders, sawdust piles, habitat usually damp, frequently near streams. Terrestrial; occasionally climbs a short distance up trees or stumps to bask. Diurnal. Mostly insectivorous.

May 11, 2012
Harry Fink
May 11, 2012 Clarksville Harry Fink
February 13, 2023
Race Road
Bonnie Ott
February 13, 2023 Race Road Bonnie Ott
April 23, 2013
Harry Fink
April 23, 2013 Clarksville Harry Fink


Northern Watersnake
Nerodia sipedon sipedon
Most aquatic situations—quiet waters preferred: lakes, ponds, marshes, ditches, rivers; forages in shoreline vegetation. Basks frequently on rocks or stumps. Active day & night.

March 19, 2012
Woodbine - SE
Sue Muller
March 19, 2012 Woodbine - SE Sue Muller
April 14, 2011
Savage - NE
Jo Solem
April 14, 2011 Savage - NE Jo Solem
April 10, 2011
Schooley Mill Park
Bonnie Ott
April 10, 2011 Schooley Mill Park Bonnie Ott
April 11, 2014
Richard Orr
April 11, 2014 MPEA Richard Orr [Young]
Queen Snake
Regina septemvittata
Streams and small rivers w/ rocky margins & bottoms; clear sandy-bottomed creeks; sphagnum bogs. Highly aquatic, excellent swimmer; not a frequent basker; found either swimming or under rocks, vegetation, or debris at water’s edge. Active day & night. Chiefly Piedmont west. Feeds almost entirely on soft-bodied crayfish.

April 8, 2013
Meadowbrook Park
Bonnie Ott
April 8, 2013 Meadowbrook Park Bonnie Ott
October 9, 2011
HC Fairgrounds
Richard Orr
October 9, 2011 HC Fairgrounds Richard Orr
October 9, 2011
Howard County Fair Grounds
Richard Orr
October 9, 2011 Howard County Fair Grounds Richard Orr
October 9, 2011
Howard County Fair Grounds
Richard Orr
October 9, 2011 Howard County Fair Grounds Richard Orr
Eastern Smooth Earthsnake
Virginia valeriae valeriae
Damp deciduous forest; moist rocky wooded hillsides; seldom seen above ground except after heavy rains. Coastal Plain & eastern Piedmont. Earthworms and soft-bodied insects.

March 18, 2011
Wes Earp
March 18, 2011 Triadelphia Wes Earp
March 18, 2011
Wes Earp
March 18, 2011 Triadelphia Wes Earp
April 5, 2011
Laurel - NW
Jay Sheppard
April 5, 2011 Laurel - NW Jay Sheppard
October 12, 2011
Sykesville (Howard County)
Felicia Lovelett
October 12, 2011 Sykesville (Howard County) Felicia Lovelett
Northern Brownsnake
Storeria dekayi dekayi
Moist upland woods to lowland marshes & margins of swamps & ponds, vacant lots, gardens beneath flat rocks, logs, trash; usually near water or damp places. Diurnal, but nocturnal in warm weather. Earthworms, slugs, & snails.

August 1, 2010
Rockburn Branch Park
Richard Orr
August 1, 2010 Rockburn Branch Park Richard Orr
June 6, 2012<
Meadowbrook Park
Bonnie Ott
June 6, 2012< Meadowbrook Park Bonnie Ott
August 1, 2010
Rockburn Branch Park
Richard Orr
August 1, 2010 Rockburn Branch Park Richard Orr
November 1, 2011
Dorsey Search
Annette Allor
November 1, 2011 Dorsey Search Annette Allor
Eastern Gartersnake
Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
Near water; wet meadows, marshes, woodlands, moist hillsides, streamsides, parks, drainage ditches. Able to tolerate cold weather. Diurnal. Frogs, toads, salamanders, earthworms.

May 26,2021 Henryton Road (PVSP) Annette Allor
May 26,2021 Henryton Road (PVSP) Annette Allor
April 2, 2012
Penn Shop Road & Bennington Road
Wes Earp
April 2, 2012 Penn Shop Road & Bennington Road Wes Earp
April 25, 2012
Clarksville - NW
Harry Fink
April 25, 2012 Clarksville - NW Harry Fink
November 14, 2010
Schooley Mill Park>
Jo Solem
November 14, 2010 Schooley Mill Park> Jo Solem
Northern Ring-necked Snake
Diadophis punctatus edwardii
Moist situations in forest, grassland, rocky wooded hillsides, cutover areas w/ debris; under rocks, logs, loose bark of dead trees. Secretive. Earthworms, slugs, small salamanders, snakes; partially constricts prey.

April 26, 2016
Rockburn Branch Park
Jim Wilkinson
April 26, 2016 Rockburn Branch Park Jim Wilkinson
June 13, 2011
Browns Bridge Road
Wes Earp
June 13, 2011 Browns Bridge Road Wes Earp
July 25, 2012
Ellicott City - SE
Annette Allor
July 25, 2012 Ellicott City - SE Annette Allor
June 13, 2011
Browns Bridge
Bob Solem
June 13, 2011 Browns Bridge Bob Solem
March 25, 2012
Marriottsville Road (PVSP)
Bonnie Ott
March 25, 2012 Marriottsville Road (PVSP) Bonnie Ott
Eastern Wormsnake
Carphophis amoenus amoenus
Damp hilly woods, partly wooded grassy hills above streams; under rocks, logs, stumps, loose soil. Secretive; most likely to be seen in spring when habitat still moist; goes underground in dry weather. Earthworms.

August 1, 2010
Rockburn Branch Park
Richard Orr
August 1, 2010 Rockburn Branch Park Richard Orr
August 1, 2010
Rockburn Branch Park
Richard Orr
August 1, 2010 Rockburn Branch Park Richard Orr
April 5, 2011
Triadelphia Reservoir>
Richard Orr
April 5, 2011 Triadelphia Reservoir> Richard Orr
June 6, 2011
Browns Bridge
Bob Solem
June 6, 2011 Browns Bridge Bob Solem
Northern Rough Greensnake
Opheodrys aestivus aestivus
Vines, bushes & trees near & overhanging water; swims well—may take to water when disturbed; almost invisible in dense vegetation. Arboreal. Diurnal. Grasshoppers, crickets, caterpillars, spiders.

July 15, 2912
Waterloo Park
Sara Smith
July 15, 2912 Waterloo Park Sara Smith
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake
Heterodon platirhinos
Open, sandy areas; thinly wooded uplands, cultivated fields, woodland meadows. Diurnal. Toads primarily; will also eat frogs.

May 2, 2011
Daniels Road
Jeff Culler
May 2, 2011 Daniels Road Jeff Culler
May 2, 2011
Daniels Road
Jeff Culler
May 2, 2011 Daniels Road Jeff Culler
September 28, 2009
Big Branch
Bob Solem
September 28, 2009 Big Branch Bob Solem
September 15, 2013
Browns Bridge Road
Jo Solem
September 15, 2013 Browns Bridge Road Jo Solem
Northern Black Racer
Coluber constrictor constrictor
Abandoned fields, grasslands, open woodlands, rocky wooded hillsides, grass-bordered streams; often streaks across roads. Mostly terrestrial (when pursued may retreat upward into low bushes or low tree branches). Dirunal. Large insects, frogs, lizards, snakes, small rodents, birds; despite Latin name is not a constrictor. When hunting holds head high moving swiftly through cover.

April 27, 2010
Mount Pleasant
Richard Orr
April 27, 2010 Mount Pleasant Richard Orr
July 24, 2011
Wincopin Trail
Annette Allor
July 24, 2011 Wincopin Trail Annette Allor
August 26, 2013
Mount Pleasant
Jeff Culler
August 26, 2013 Mount Pleasant Jeff Culler
April 27, 2010
Mount Pleasant
Richard Orr
April 27, 2010 Mount Pleasant Richard Orr
Eastern Ratsnake
Panterophis alleganiensis
Hardwood forests, swamps, oldfields; from wet to arid situations. Terrestrial/arboreal: skilled climber; goes up trees & buildings. Diurnal spring & fall; nocturnal in summer. Birds, eggs, mice & small mammals, lizards.

September 5, 2013
Bonnie Ott
September 5, 2013 MPEA Bonnie Ott
April 20, 2015
Rockburn Branch Park
Linda Hunt
April 20, 2015 Rockburn Branch Park Linda Hunt
September 22, 2012
Ellicott City
Mike McClure
September 22, 2012 Ellicott City Mike McClure
November 8, 2009
Mount Pleasant
Richard Orr
November 8, 2009 Mount Pleasant Richard Orr
Eastern Kingsnake
Lampropeltis getula getula
Dry, rocky wooded hillsides to river banks & pine woods. Hides under boards, logs, & debris; basks occasionally in open spring & fall. Primarily terrestrial; swims readily. Diurnal (early a.m.) & dusk; nocturnal in summer. Snakes, lizards, mice, birds, & eggs; a strong constrictor.

April 26, 2016
Rockburn Branch Park
Jim Wilkinson
April 26, 2016 Rockburn Branch Park Jim Wilkinson
April 5, 2012
Rockburn Branch Park
Kathy Litzinger
April 5, 2012 Rockburn Branch Park Kathy Litzinger
April 5, 2012
Rockburn Branch Park
Kathy Litzinger
April 5, 2012 Rockburn Branch Park Kathy Litzinger
Eastern Milksnake
Lampropetis triangulum triangulum
Pine forest, open deciduous woods, rocky hillsides, farmland, damp bottomland, suburbs, farm buildings entered in rodent search. Hides under logs, rotting stumps, boards, stones, etc. Usually not seen in open except at night. Small rodents, birds, lizards, & snakes.
May 15, 2012
Sykesville- NE
Billy Heinbuch
May 15, 2012 Sykesville- NE Billy Heinbuch
June 9, 2011
Frederick Road &Morgan Station Road
Wes Earp
June 9, 2011 Frederick Road &Morgan Station Road Wes Earp
June 9, 2011
Frederick Road & Morgan Station Road
Wes Earp
June 9, 2011 Frederick Road & Morgan Station Road Wes Earp
June 9, 2011
Frederick Road & Morgan Station Road
Wes Earp
June 9, 2011 Frederick Road & Morgan Station Road Wes Earp
Northern Scarletsnake
Cemophora coccinea copei
In or near soils suitable for burrowing (sandy, loamy), in logs, beneath fallen bark. Secretive, Seldom seen except at night or after heavy rains.

May 28, 2013
Savage- NE
Kevin Crocetti
May 28, 2013 Savage- NE Kevin Crocetti
Northern Copperhead
Agkistrodon contortrix mokeson
Wooded hillsides w/ rock outcrops above streams or ponds; edges of swamps. Basks during day in spring and fall; becomes nocturnal in warm weather. Favors rotting logs, sawdust piles, debris piles, large flat stones near streams. Small rodents, also small birds, frogs, large insects.

August 12, 2012
Savage- NE
Jacob Smith
August 12, 2012 Savage- NE Jacob Smith
June 15, 2011
Sykesville- NE
Jo Solem
June 15, 2011 Sykesville- NE Jo Solem
June 6, 2020
Photo provided by Sue Muller
June 6, 2020 Savage Photo provided by Sue Muller


Marbled Salamander
Ambystoma opacum
Moist, sandy area; swamp lowlands; wooded hillsides above temporary pools; most of life is lived underground. Found under rocks, logs, other debris spring & fall

July 6, 2010
Waterford Farm
Wes Earp
July 6, 2010 Waterford Farm Wes Earp
July 13, 1983
Hammond Village
Bob Solem
July 13, 1983 Hammond Village Bob Solem
October 2, 2014
Jeff Claffy
October 2, 2014 MPEA Jeff Claffy
October 7, 2013
Sue Muller
October 7, 2013 Bollingbrook Sue Muller
October 14, 2015
Clarksville CE
Pamela Franks
October 14, 2015 Clarksville CE Pamela Franks
Spotted Salamander
Ambystoma maculatum
Woods, hillsides near woodland pools on floodplain during breeding; much time spent underground. Worms, centipedes, millipedes, spiders, small insects.

July 7, 2010
Frederich Road & Daisy Road
Wes Earp
July 7, 2010 Frederich Road & Daisy Road Wes Earp
March 25, 2010
David Force WMA
Bob Solem
March 25, 2010 David Force WMA Bob Solem
March 12, 2012
Waterford Farm
Wes Earp
March 12, 2012 Waterford Farm Wes Earp
Red-spotted Newt
Notophthalmus viridescens
Ponds, lakes w/ dense submerged vegetation, swamps, streams, forest pools, moist woodlands. Adult: totally aquatic; eft (juvenile) mostly terrestrial; after several years transforms to ad. & returns to water. Worms, insects, small crustaceans.

May 12, 2012
Waterford Farm
Mark Wallace
May 12, 2012 Waterford Farm Mark Wallace
March 26, 2012
Haviland Mill Road
Wes Earp
March 26, 2012 Haviland Mill Road Wes Earp
May 12, 2012
Waterford Farm
Mark Wallace
May 12, 2012 Waterford Farm Mark Wallace
July 8, 2011
Manor Woods ES
Jo Solem
July 8, 2011 Manor Woods ES Jo Solem
Eastern Red-backed Salamander
Plethodon cinereus
Cool, moist mixed, deciduous, or coniferous forests. Terrestrial. During day hides under stones, bark, or woody debris; at night searches moist leaf litter; in dry weather goes underground, re-surfaces after rains. Very difficult to find during summer months. Ants, mites, slugs, beetles, small insects.

January 2, 2013
Western Regional Park
Bonnie Ott
January 2, 2013 Western Regional Park Bonnie Ott
April 11,2011
Old Frederick Road & Forsythe Road
Wes Earp
April 11,2011 Old Frederick Road & Forsythe Road Wes Earp
February 28, 2013
Savage - CE
Mark Wallace
February 28, 2013 Savage - CE Mark Wallace
March 4, 2012
Rockburn Branch Park
Bonnie Ott
March 4, 2012 Rockburn Branch Park Bonnie Ott
Northern Slimy Salamander
Plethodon glutinosus
Moist wooded ravines or hillsides; floodplains, shale banks. At surface in early spring (except when dry); under flat rocks, rotten logs; after showers roams forest floor; active until sub-freezing temperatures in fall. Does not occur on Coastal Plain. Nocturnal. Wide variety of insects & invertebrates.

June 4, 2012
Larriland Farm
Wes Earp
June 4, 2012 Larriland Farm Wes Earp
Woodbine - CE
Woodbine - CE
June 4, 2012
Larriland Farm
Wes Earp
June 4, 2012 Larriland Farm Wes Earp
Northern Dusky Salamander
Desmognathus fuscus
Rocky woodland streams, seepages, springs, floodplains & mucky sites. Usually absent from large streams where fish predators occur. Insect larvae, sowbugs, earthworms.

March 26, 2013
Daviels Road (PVSP)
Bonnie Ott
March 26, 2013 Daviels Road (PVSP) Bonnie Ott
July 12, 2010
Richard Orr
July 12, 2010 Henryton Richard Orr
July 12, 2010
Richard Orr
July 12, 2010 Henryton Richard Orr
June 30, 2010
Damanscus - NE (H.C.)
Bob Solem
June 30, 2010 Damanscus - NE (H.C.) Bob Solem
Northern Red Salamander
Pseudotriton ruber
Springs, seepages, cool clear brooks & adjacent woodlands & lowlands. Although it can range some distance from water, it is usually found in leaf litter of spring-fed brooks or under rocks or other debris. Earthworms.

March 5, 2013
Mount Pleasant
Bonnie Ott
March 5, 2013 Mount Pleasant Bonnie Ott
July 2, 2010
Annapolis Rock Road
Richard Orr
July 2, 2010 Annapolis Rock Road Richard Orr
November 12, 2010
Summer Sunrise Drive
Wes Earp
November 12, 2010 Summer Sunrise Drive Wes Earp
July 2, 2010
Chaconas (HoCo Rec &  Parks)
Sue Earp
July 2, 2010 Chaconas (HoCo Rec & Parks) Sue Earp
March 18, 2011
Triadelphia Reservoir
Sue Earp
March 18, 2011 Triadelphia Reservoir Sue Earp
April 30, 2012
Kingsbridge Road
Wes Earp
April 30, 2012 Kingsbridge Road Wes Earp
Northern Spring Salamander
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus porphyriticus
Any wet depression beneath logs, stones, or leaves in surrounding forest. Very unusual!

August 28, 2010
Savage - SW
Kevin Crocetti
August 28, 2010 Savage - SW Kevin Crocetti
Northern Two-lined Salamander
Eurycea bislineata
Rock-bottomed brooks, seepages, floodplains; in locations where fish are at a minimum it hides under objects, often at water’s edge; wanders into woodlands in wet weather. Abundant streamside species. When discovered, runs or swims away vigorously.

Feb 15, 2013
Fulton [egg mass]
Mark Wallace
Feb 15, 2013 Fulton [egg mass] Mark Wallace
June 26, 2010
Cascade Falls Trail
Richard Orr
June 26, 2010 Cascade Falls Trail Richard Orr
March 15, 2013
Daniels Road
Bonnie Ott
March 15, 2013 Daniels Road Bonnie Ott
May 6, 2011
Woodbine - SE
Wes Earp
May 6, 2011 Woodbine - SE Wes Earp
Long-tailed Salamander
Eurycea longicauda
Springs, seepages, floodplains, caves. Mostly terrestrial. On warm rainy nights it searches the forest floor for invertebrates.

May 25, 2011
Woodbine - SE
Wes Earp
May 25, 2011 Woodbine - SE Wes Earp
August 27, 2012
Woodbine   NE
Mark Wallace
August 27, 2012 Woodbine NE Mark Wallace
August 27, 2012
Woodbine   NE
Mark Wallace
August 27, 2012 Woodbine NE Mark Wallace
Four-toed Salamander
Hemidactylium scutatum
Bogs, floodplains & associated hardwood forests near boggy areas, especially associated w/ sphagnum.

March 14, 2013
Bonnie Ott
March 14, 2013 MPEA Bonnie Ott
October 20, 2012
Clarksville - SE
Jo Solem
October 20, 2012 Clarksville - SE Jo Solem
October 20, 2012
Clarksville - SE
Jo Solem
October 20, 2012 Clarksville - SE Jo Solem
October 17, 2016
Savage - CE
Mark Wallace
October 17, 2016 Savage - CE Mark Wallace


American Toad
Anaxyrus americanus
Moist forests, floodplains, gardens; more resistant to dehydration than most frogs so doesn’t need to stay near water as long as food is plentiful. Color varies. Primarily nocturnal.

April 14, 2014
Joanne Solem
April 14, 2014 MPEA Joanne Solem
July 31, 2010
Clarksville - SW
Wes Earp
July 31, 2010 Clarksville - SW Wes Earp
April 24, 2010
Dorsey Woods
Richard Orr
April 24, 2010 Dorsey Woods Richard Orr
May 29, 2012
Sykesville - SE
Mark Wallace
May 29, 2012 Sykesville - SE Mark Wallace
April 5, 2010
Alpha Ridge Park
Richard Orr
April 5, 2010 Alpha Ridge Park Richard Orr
Fowler’s Toad
Anaxyrus fowleri
Sandy soil; marshes, yards, temporary pools. Usually a Coastal Plain species. Primarily nocturnal. Count warts in dark spots on back to separate from A.

June 6, 2011
Clarksville - SW
Wes Earp
June 6, 2011 Clarksville - SW Wes Earp
July 15, 2010
Sandy Spring - NE
Jo Solem
July 15, 2010 Sandy Spring - NE Jo Solem
May 27, 2012
Daniels PVSP
Annette Allor
May 27, 2012 Daniels PVSP Annette Allor


Spring Peeper
Pseudacris crucifer
Low plants near temporary pools in thickets & woodlands. (Chorus frogs prefer open calling stations.) Mostly nocturnal, but sometimes found by day in wet woodlands.

July 6, 2010
Woodbine - SW
Wes Earp
July 6, 2010 Woodbine - SW Wes Earp
April 27, 2010
Manor Woods ES
Sue Earp
April 27, 2010 Manor Woods ES Sue Earp
April 5, 2011
Schooley Mill Park
Richard Orr
April 5, 2011 Schooley Mill Park Richard Orr
April 5, 2011
Schooley Mill Park
Richard Orr
April 5, 2011 Schooley Mill Park Richard Orr
Eastern Cricket Frog
Acris crepitans


Mudflats, edges sunny shallow ponds w/ vegetation, streams w/ sunny banks, floodplains. Diurnal; active, hard to catch in grass at water’s edge. Coastal Plain species; uncommon above Fall Line.

April 1, 2013
Savage - SE
Mark Wallace
April 1, 2013 Savage - SE Mark Wallace
June 15, 2014
Ellicott City - SW
Mike Thompson
June 15, 2014 Ellicott City - SW Mike Thompson
Cope’s Gray Treefrog
Hyla chrysoscelis


Trees & shrubs near woodlands, usually near a permanent body of water. Shuns large permanent swamps. Mostly forages aloft. Can only be separated from H. versicolor by difference in call rate.

May 23, 2020 Clarksville Wes Earp
May 23, 2020 Clarksville Wes Earp
Gray Treefrog
Hyla versicolor


Trees & shrubs near woodlands, usually near a permanent body of water. Shuns large permanent swamps. Mostly forages aloft. Can only be separated from H. chrysoscelis by difference in call rate.

The photograph below is actually a Cope’s Treefrog.

May 23, 2020 Clarksville Wes Earp
May 23, 2020 Clarksville Wes Earp
Wood Frog
Lithobates sylvaticus
Woodland ponds & temporary floodplain pools outside of breeding season may be found far from water. Normally one of first frogs to be heard in spring; may use same pools as Spotted Salamanders.

March 2, 2012
Woodbine - SW
Wes Earp
March 2, 2012 Woodbine - SW Wes Earp
March 1, 2011
Woodbine - NE
Richard Orr
March 1, 2011 Woodbine - NE Richard Orr
March 2, 2012
Woodbine - SW
Wes Earp
March 2, 2012 Woodbine - SW Wes Earp
August 18, 2019
Morning Choice Trail
Kevin Heffernan
August 18, 2019 Morning Choice Trail Kevin Heffernan
April 4, 2014
Font Hill Park
Annette Allor
April 4, 2014 Font Hill Park Annette Allor
Southern Leopard Frog
Lithobates spenocephalus utricularius
Shallow, freshwater habitats. Ventures well away from water in summer among moist vegetation. Mostly a Coastal Plain species. Primarily nocturnal.

July 17, 2001
Western Regional Park
Bonnie Ott
July 17, 2001 Western Regional Park Bonnie Ott
Pickerel Frog
Lithobates palustris
Cool, clear slow-moving woodland stream, ponds, lakes w/ low, dense vegetation; adjacent wet meadows. Wanders well out in grassy field in summer. Leaps into water from shore when disturbed. Nocturnal.

September 3, 2009
Western Regional Park
Bonnie Ott
September 3, 2009 Western Regional Park Bonnie Ott
April 27, 2010
Richard Orr
April 27, 2010 MPEA Richard Orr
October 18, 2011
Centennial Park
Annette Allor
October 18, 2011 Centennial Park Annette Allor
Northern Green Frog
Lithobates clamitans
Wetlands, ponds, stream, shallow edges. Primarily nocturnal.

April 1, 2012
Howard County
Annette Allor
April 1, 2012 Howard County Annette Allor
June 1, 2007
Savage Park
Sue Earp
June 1, 2007 Savage Park Sue Earp
June 26, 2010
Cascade Falls Trail
Richard Orr
June 26, 2010 Cascade Falls Trail Richard Orr
July 31, 2010
Schooley Mill Park
Jo Solem
July 31, 2010 Schooley Mill Park Jo Solem
American Bullfrog
Lithobates catesbeianus

June 3, 2010
Ellicott City - CW
Bob Solem
June 3, 2010 Ellicott City - CW Bob Solem
June 3, 2010
Ellicott City - CW
Jo Solem
June 3, 2010 Ellicott City - CW Jo Solem
June 17, 2010
Hipsely Mill Road
Jeff Culler
June 17, 2010 Hipsely Mill Road Jeff Culler
August 20, 2011
Woodbine - CW
Sue Earp
August 20, 2011 Woodbine - CW Sue Earp
December 3, 2012
Franciscan Friars
Richard Orr
December 3, 2012 Franciscan Friars Richard Orr