What about cancellations?

Meetings at the Robinson Nature Center are cancelled if the Howard County Government has announced government buildings are closed and will not open for the day. For other venues where a Howard County Bird Club (HCBC) event was scheduled, the cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar. Field Trips and Workshops may be cancelled at the discretion of the leader and announced in advance when possible. The cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar.

Previous programs

Previous field trips

HCBC Meeting: An introduction to birding in the New World tropics by Dave Ziolkowski

Robinson Nature Center 6692 Cedar Lane, Columbia, MD

Central and South America offer some of the most exciting and exhilarating birding on the planet! Join us as biologist and natural historian, Dave Ziolkowski, provides an intro to the region and its fascinating wildlife, describing why every nature lover should want to go there and giving tips for an easy, successful trip. Dave is […]

Beginner Field Trip: Fall Migrants at Dunloggin Wetlands

Park at Dunloggin Middle School Opportunity to see early fall migrants (especially warblers) and to learn the details of local woodpeckers. Limit 8 people. Register with leader Ben Costello,

2024 Fall Count

Host needed for tally rally! Contact Chuck Stirrat, Details on the HCBC website calendar:

Howard Conservancy at Mt Pleasant Farm Sky Watch

Howard County Conservancy at Mount Pleasant 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD

Rain date Tuesday, September 24 Meet at the parking lot or go directly to the Skywatch site. This trip will be a trip for migrating raptors and other potential flybys. Leader – open to whoever shows up

Sparrows for Beginners

Howard County Conservancy at Mount Pleasant 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD

Meet at the Montjoy barn. Bonnie will go over the basics of sparrow identification and how to differentiate sparrows from other "LBJs". Limit 8. Register with the leader. Leader – Bonnie Ott,

Young Birder Fall Warblers Walk at Howard County Conservancy

Howard County Conservancy at Mount Pleasant 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD

Meet at the Conservancy parking lot Young birders accompanied by a parent/guardian briefly meet and greet in the parking lot, then move on to bird the Conservancy. Look for later fall warblers and sparrows, which are the main target species. Easy to moderate walking on grass and trails. Bring water and snacks. Loaner binoculars are available. Appropriate […]

Birding Optics Demonstration Event

Howard County Conservancy at Mount Pleasant 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD

Are you new to birding?  Are you curious about what to look for in binoculars, spotting scopes or other optics?  Or are you an experienced birder who’d like to test drive different equipment?  The Howard County Bird Club will host an optics demonstration and hands on trial event with a presentation covering equipment basics. Bird club […]

Robinson Nature Center Plant Sale

Robinson Nature Center 6692 Cedar Lane, Columbia, MD

Visit the Howard County Bird Club table at the center during Native Plant Palooza Volunteer to help HCBC by contacting Mary Lou Clark.  

Sparrows and Spiders

Howard County Conservancy at Mount Pleasant 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD

Meet at the Montjoy barn. Join Bonnie for an advanced sparrow search and learn more about our common spider species. We are looking for some of the sparrow rarities and Bolas Spider. Gaiters or waterproof pants recommended as we will go into tall grass. Limit 8. Register with the leader. Leader – Bonnie Ott,

HCBC Meeting: Marbled Murrelet Research by Josh Ward

Robinson Nature Center 6692 Cedar Lane, Columbia, MD

Marbled Murrelet Research by Josh Ward This meeting only: Social hour, 7:00 p.m. Business meeting, 7:15 p.m. In 2023, Josh was stationed in Roseburg, Oregon to conduct Marbled Murrelet surveys. This talk will not only be about this research, but will cover the rich bird life of Oregon and the natural environment of Oregon in […]