Waterford Flats opens for late summer-fall season (through September 30)
Waterford Flats 4003 Jennings Chapel Road, Bookville, MDReview protocol: https://howardbirds.website/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/WaterfordFlatsProtocol.pdf
What about cancellations?
Meetings at the Robinson Nature Center are cancelled if the Howard County Government has announced government buildings are closed and will not open for the day. For other venues where a Howard County Bird Club (HCBC) event was scheduled, the cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar. Field Trips and Workshops may be cancelled at the discretion of the leader and announced in advance when possible. The cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar.
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Review protocol: https://howardbirds.website/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/WaterfordFlatsProtocol.pdf
One mile, slow paced walk through pastures bordering a variety of habitats on private property in Western Howard County. Find resident, migratory breeders, and juveniles. Limited to 8 people per session. Register at valnjeff55@gmail.com
Sign up for the walk at https://www.howardnature.org/events/ when the walk is posted. Join Kevin and other butterfly aficionados for a search at the leading location in Howard County for butterflies. Leader: Kevin Heffernan Registration required: https://www.howardnature.org/event/july-butterfly-walk-2024-2/
Meet at Pebble Beach Drive entrance across from The Concord Court. Bird identification explained. Walking through wooded trails- may be muddy. Registration required: limit 8. Please email the trip leader to reserve a spot. Leader - Kristin Trouton kristing4420@gmail.com
Meet at the farm parking area, through the barns on the right. New! This trip is for all levels of birders. Slow walking over farm roads and paths on this working farm. We will observe fields, get an early migration look at Waterford Flats, Cattail Creek and floodplain, and three ponds. These areas make for diverse […]
Meet in the far parking lot by the office building and rest rooms. Young birders accompanied by parents gather by the office building for orientation and visit session, then move to the trails for birding. Facilities available. Leaders: Roshan, Sydney, Jayden (young birders) Hosts: Issel Anne Lim (isselannelim@gmail.com) with her daughter Floralei, and Terri Berkheimer (tgtberk@gmail.com)
Sign up for the walk at https://www.howardnature.org/events/ when the walk is posted. Join Kevin and other butterfly aficionados for a search at the leading location in Howard County for butterflies. Leader: Kevin Heffernan Registration required: https://www.howardnature.org/event/august-butterfly-walk-2024-1/
One mile, slow paced walk through pastures bordering a variety of habitats on private property in Western Howard County. Find resident, migratory breeders, and juveniles. Limited to 8 people per session. Register at valnjeff55@gmail.com
Moderate walking through wooded trails and along the river. Great area for migrants of all species. Field edges and thickets provide sparrow habitat. Prepare for wet grass and mud on the trails. Leaders – John and Meg Harris, jaybee.harris@gmail.com ,
Sign up for the walk at https://www.howardnature.org/events/ when the walk is posted. Join Kevin and other butterfly aficionados for a search at the leading location in Howard County for butterflies. Leader: Kevin Heffernan Registration required: https://www.howardnature.org/event/august-butterfly-walk-2024-2/