What about cancellations?

Meetings at the Robinson Nature Center are cancelled if the Howard County Government has announced government buildings are closed and will not open for the day. For other venues where a Howard County Bird Club (HCBC) event was scheduled, the cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar. Field Trips and Workshops may be cancelled at the discretion of the leader and announced in advance when possible. The cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar.

Previous programs

Previous field trips

Trash Collection Day at Columbia Gateway and GE Retention Pond

Staging and parking area: Curbside parking along Samuel Morse Drive at the southeast end of the pond, just south of the intersection with Columbia Gateway Drive. Join us for a trash collection day at the Columbia Gateway and GE Retention Pond location on March 18th any time from 3-6pm. Why are we doing this? Because we […]

Belmont Manor Historic Park – Beginning Birder Field Trip

Belmont Manor & Historic Park 6555 Belmont Woods Road, Elkridge, MD, United States

Slow pace through fields, along woods edges, and around a pond. Val Swan and Terri Berkheimer will discuss the methods used to identify the birds in a variety of habitats. Parking lot on the right, near the barn. Facilities available. Boots recommended. Limit 12 people. Contact Val at to register. Registration required.  

Annual Potluck for current members and guests

Robinson Nature Center 6692 Cedar Lane, Columbia, MD

Get details from the January-February, 2025 issue of The Goldfinch, page 6. Make reservations using Perfect Potluck.

Centennial Park

Centennial Park (West) 4651 Centennial Lane, Ellicott City, MD

Meet at West end parking lot. Easy walking around the lake on a paved path. Facilities available. Waterfowl expected, woodland trails for passerines. Leader – John Henri Rorabeck, Handicapped accessible

Wingspan event at Wild Birds Unlimited, Columbia

Wild Birds Unlimited 6955 F, Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD, United States

Wingspan ( is an engine-building game where players create a birding preserve with several different bird cards representing different species of birds. If you do not know how to play the game, someone will be available to teach you. Bring your Wingspan board with you if you can Coordinator: John Henri Rorabeck,

Beginner Birder Field Trip at Font Hill Wetland Park

Font Hill Wetland Park 3520 Font Hill Drive, Ellicott City, MD, United States

Park at 10018-10020 Autumn View Lane. Meet at the Red park sign. The paved trail is about a mile long, featuring a short boardwalk, three ponds and a stream through woods. Chance of seeing Great Blue Heron, woodpeckers, waterfowl, Red-shouldered Hawk, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Bluebird. No facilities. Register with tour leader Laura Wolf, • […]

Sharps at Waterford Farm

Waterford Flats 4003 Jennings Chapel Road, Bookville, MD

Meet at the farm parking area, through the barns on the right. Moderate walking over crop stubble, farm roads and paths on this working farm.  Fields with crop residue, extensive woodlands, Cattail Creek and floodplain, three ponds and five shallow waterfowl impoundments make for diverse habitats and good birding opportunities.  Port-a-pots available.  Knee-high waterproof footwear […]

Centennial Park

Centennial Park (West) 4651 Centennial Lane, Ellicott City, MD

Meet at West end parking lot. Easy walking around the lake on paved path. Facilities available. Waterfowl expected, woodland trails for passerines. Leader – David Sandler, Handicapped accessible

Merlin Bird ID App class and bird walk

Howard County Conservancy at Mount Pleasant 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD

Indoor session followed by a bird walk. Leaders: Steve Luke and Lauren Crocker Register at Howard County Conservancy: Maximizing the Magic of Merlin Bird ID - Howard County Conservancy

HCBC Meeting

Robinson Nature Center 6692 Cedar Lane, Columbia, MD

Russ Ruffing Birding in Colombia, South America The country of Colombia boasts the most impressive bird species list of any country in the imagine trying to see as many species as possible there using small windows of availability! This talk will give a brief description of Colombia birding and focus on some of the […]