What about cancellations?

Meetings at the Robinson Nature Center are cancelled if the Howard County Government has announced government buildings are closed and will not open for the day. For other venues where a Howard County Bird Club (HCBC) event was scheduled, the cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar. Field Trips and Workshops may be cancelled at the discretion of the leader and announced in advance when possible. The cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar.

Previous programs

Previous field trips

Sharps at Waterford Farm

Waterford Flats 4003 Jennings Chapel Road, Bookville, MD

Meet at the farm parking area, through the barns on the right. Moderate walking over crop stubble, farm roads and paths on this working farm.  Fields with crop residue, extensive woodlands, Cattail Creek and floodplain, three ponds and five shallow waterfowl impoundments make for diverse habitats and good birding opportunities.  Port-a-pots available.  Knee-high waterproof footwear […]

Centennial Park

Centennial Park (West) 4651 Centennial Lane, Ellicott City, MD

Meet at West end parking lot. Easy walking around the lake on paved path. Facilities available. Waterfowl expected, woodland trails for passerines. Leader – David Sandler,

Merlin App class and bird walk

Howard County Conservancy at Mount Pleasant 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD

Indoor session followed by a bird walk. Register with Steve Luke or Lauren Crocker

HCBC Meeting

Robinson Nature Center 6692 Cedar Lane, Columbia, MD

Russ Ruffing Birding in Colombia, South America Watch for details For Zoom, on the Monday before the meeting, members will get an email with the link and non-members should email HCBC meetings

Schooley Mill Park

Schooley Mill Park 12975 Hall Shop Road, Highland, MD, United States

Meet in the back parking lot by the restrooms. Spiring migrants in open woods and fields. Facilities available. Leader - TBA

Howard County Conservancy at Mount Pleasant Earth Day

Howard County Conservancy at Mount Pleasant 10520 Old Frederick Rd, Woodstock, MD

Earth Day Walk in conjunction with the Howard County Conservancy. Meet at the parking lot near the barn. Easy walking through the fields of Mt. Pleasant Farm. Tree lines, hedgerows and streams provide opportunity for non-meadow species. Great opportunity for flyovers. Facilities available Leaders – Gregg Petersen, and Lilian Saul

HCBC Board Meeting

Watch for details For Zoom, on the Monday before the meeting, members will get an email with the link and non-members should email HCBC meetings

West Friendship Park

West Friendship Park 12985 Frederick Road, West Friendship, MD

Meet in the front parking lot. Moderate walking along field edges and through stream valleys. The park now has very nice meadows which were used by the meadowlarks and grasshopper sparrows, in addition to plenty of other types of habitat. Expect wet areas. Rustic facilities. Leader – Lisa Colangelo,

Mullinix Mill Road

Mullinix Mill Road Parking Lot

Meet at the parking lot on Mullinix Mill Road (39.29474N, 77.14541W) The new mountain bike trail will head up into the forest with a nice overlook of the river at one point.  Then it's down to a little meadow and back on the old horse trail along the river.  Walking distance is about 2 miles.  […]

Western Regional Park

Western Regional Park 14800 Carrs Mill Road, Woodbine, MD, United States

Park in the first parking lot on the right. Moderate walking along field edges and woodland trails. Opportunity for warblers, sparrows, thrushes, and flyovers. Facilities available. Leader – David Sandler,

Belmont Manor Historic Park

Belmont Manor & Historic Park 6555 Belmont Woods Road, Elkridge, MD, United States

A walk around the fields looking for early migrants. This trip will have special guests, Mike Bowen and Anne Cianni. Mike used to work at the property and will be able to show us around and tell stories about the history of this location. Leader – Gregg Petersen,