Howard County Bird Club
A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society

Western Regional Park Photographs

Great Blue Heron at back pond, entrance sign, across Carrs Mill Road, pond3
Shorebirds (and a duck)

Red Phalarope, American Golden-Plover, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Lesser Yelllowlegs.
White-rumped Sandpiper, Dunlin, Stilt Sandpoper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitcher, Gadwall.

Eastern Red-backed Salamander (lead-backed), Bull Frog, Pickerel Frog, American Toad.

Eastern Amberwing (male), Slender Spreadwing (male), spiider (Florinda coccinea), Black Blistter Spider.
Dotted Wolf Spider, Ailanthus Webworm Moth, Black Saddlebags, Winter Crane (on ice).

Reddening Lepiota, Black-staining Polypore, Agaricus placomyces, Wrinkled-cap Psathyrella, Frost’s Bolete, Mucilago crustacea.
White-egg Bird’s Nest Fungus, Tender Nesting Polypore, Buttery Collybia, Fused Marasmius, Vase Thelephora, Lecinellum albellum.

Long-Tailed Skipper, Common Checkered-Skipper, Common Sootywing, Couded Skipper, Least Skipper, Fiery Skipper.
Tawny-edged Skipper, Dun Skipper, Ocola Skipper, Pipevine Swallowtail, Black Swallowtail,Falcate Orangetip.
Clouded Sulphur, Cloudless Sulphur, Little Yellow, Sleepy Orange, American Copper, Red-banded Hairsteak.
White M Hairsteak, Eastern Tailed-Blue, Meadow Fritillary, Question Mark, Eastern Comma, Northern Pearly-eye.
(Not all of these photographs were taken in Western Regional Park, but all of these butterflies have been observed there.)