Meeting and Field Trip Information

What about cancellations?

Meetings at the Robinson Nature Center are cancelled if the Howard County Government has announced government buildings are closed and will not open for the day. For other venues where a Howard County Bird Club (HCBC) event was scheduled, the cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar. Field Trips and Workshops may be cancelled at the discretion of the leader and announced in advance when possible. The cancellation will be posted on the front page of the HCBC website in a banner headline and on the website calendar.

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Our mission is to promote the knowledge, development, protection, and conservation of bird life and other naturally occurring species and their habitats … and have fun while we are doing it.

American Goldfinch by Bonnie Ott
Red-spotted Purple by Clayton Koonce
Wood Duck by Val Swan
Northern Cardinal by Bonnie Ott
Painted Turtle by Guy DiRoma
White-breasted Nuthatch by Gregg Petersen
Blue Jay by Steve Luke
Carolina Chickadee by Gregg Petersen
Red-headed Woodpecker by Gregg Petersen
Widow Skimmer by Gregg Petersen
Belted Kingfisher by Bonnie Ott
Scarlet Tanager by Gregg Petersen
Little Blue Heron by Gregg Petersen
White-throated Sparrow by Bonnie Ott
Eastern Bluebird by Val Swan
Bloodroot by Bonnie Ott
Common Buckeye by Gregg Petersen
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In Person

September through May the third Thursday of the month at the Robinson Nature Center. Building opens and social hour begins at 7:00 p.m. Business meeting and program starts at 7:30 p.m.

If you are symptomatic of an illness, we encourage you to attend the program virtually.

Robinson Nature Center

6692 Cedar Lane, Columbia MD

By Zoom

Current Howard County Bird Club members will automatically be notified on the Monday before the third Thursday with details on how to attend. If you have not done so before, here is how to participate in a Zoom meeting.

Non-members can attend by emailing HCBC Programs to get the link for the meeting.


Trips for less experienced birders are so marked, as are ones that are wheelchair accessible. Check with HCBC field trip leader,  e-mails, and on the website for trip details and changes. Some trips may have limits on numbers or require registration with the trip leader in advance. Participants are responsible for reaching out to the field trip leader if they have specific questions about the trip, health concerns, or require accommodations to attend the trip. The trip leader will cancel the field trip if weather or other conditions make the trip unsafe or inadvisable. Whenever possible, the cancellation will be posted on the website before the trip starts. Report your arrival and departure to the leader. Do not go ahead of leader while walking or in caravan. Speak quietly or move to the back of the group when talking. Do not play bird song or calls without leader approval. Youth under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. No pets! Binoculars are recommended (loaner binoculars may be available). Participants should carefully consider personal health risks before attending.

Trip leaders: download a pdf of a signup sheet and suggestions.