Official Field Checklist of Birds of Howard County, MD
See key at bottom of page. Download printable pdf
Birds are arranged in eBird phylogenetic order. Click/tap the bird name to go to the page for the species. Quickly go to the name on desktops and laptops by using the keyboard shortcut for “find” (<Ctrl>+F in Windows, <Cmd>+F in Apple) and insert a part or all of the common name in the search box. Be sure the punctuation and spelling is correct, e.g. “Eastern Screech-Owl,” not “… Screech Owl.”
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck | A | |
Snow Goose | M,WV | |
Ross’s Goose * | C | |
Greater White-fronted Goose * | C | |
Pink-footed Goose * | A | |
Brant * | H | |
Cackling Goose | WV | |
• | Canada Goose | M,PR |
• | Mute Swan * | C |
Trumpeter Swan | A | |
Tundra Swan | M,WV | |
• | Wood Duck | M,SR,WV |
Blue-winged Teal | M | |
Northern Shoveler | M,WV | |
• | Gadwall | M,WV |
Eurasian Wigeon * | A | |
American Wigeon | M,WV | |
• | Mallard | M,PR |
• | American Black Duck | M,WV |
Northern Pintail | M,WV | |
Green-winged Teal | M,WV | |
Canvasback | M,WV | |
Redhead | M,WV | |
Ring-necked Duck | M,WV | |
Greater Scaup | M,WV | |
Lesser Scaup | M,WV | |
King Eider * | A | |
Surf Scoter * | C | |
White-winged Scoter * | C | |
Black Scoter * | C | |
Long-tailed Duck | M,WV | |
Bufflehead | M,WV | |
Common Goldeneye | M,WV | |
• | Hooded Merganser | M,WV |
• | Common Merganser | M,WR |
Red-breasted Merganser | M,WV | |
Ruddy Duck | M,WV | |
• | Northern Bobwhite * | PR |
• | Wild Turkey | PR |
• | Ring-necked Pheasant * | PR |
• | Rock Pigeon | PR |
Eurasian Collared-Dove * | A | |
White-winged Dove * | A | |
• | Mourning Dove | PR |
• | Yellow-billed Cuckoo | M,SR |
• | Black-billed Cuckoo | M,SR |
Common Nighthawk | M | |
Chuck-will’s-widow * | C | |
• | Eastern Whip-poor-will | M,SR? |
• | Chimney Swift | M,SR |
Mexican Violetear * | A | |
• | Ruby-throated Hummingbird | M,SR |
Rufous Hummingbird * | A | |
King Rail * | C | |
Clapper Rail * | A | |
• | Virginia Rail | M, SR |
• | Sora | M |
• | Common Gallinule * | C |
American Coot | M,WV | |
Black Rail * | A | |
Limpkin * | A | |
Sandhill Crane * | C | |
Black-necked Stilt * | A | |
American Avocet * | C | |
Black-bellied Plover | M | |
American Golden-Plover | M | |
• | Killdeer | M,PR |
Semipalmated Plover | M | |
Piping Plover * | A | |
Upland Sandpiper | C | |
Whimbrel* | H | |
Short-billed Dowitcher * | C | |
Long-billed Dowitcher * | A | |
• | American Woodcock | M,SR,WV |
Wilson’s Snipe | M,WV | |
Wilson’s Phalarope * | A | |
Red Phalarope * | A | |
• | Spotted Sandpiper | M,SV |
Solitary Sandpiper | M,SV | |
Lesser Yellowlegs | M,SV | |
Greater Yellowlegs | M,SV | |
Ruddy Turnstone * | H | |
Red Knot * | H | |
Stilt Sandpiper * | C | |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper * | C | |
Sanderling | C | |
Dunlin | C | |
Baird’s Sandpiper * | C | |
White-rumped Sandpiper * | C | |
Least Sandpiper | M,SV | |
Pectoral Sandpiper | M,SV | |
Western Sandpiper * | C | |
Semipalmated Sandpiper | M,SV | |
Little Gull * | A | |
Black-legged Kittiwake * | A | |
Sabine’s Gull * | A | |
Bonaparte’s Gull | M,WV | |
Laughing Gull | M | |
Ring-billed Gull | M,SV,WR | |
American Herring Gull | M,WR | |
Great Black-backed Gull | M,WV | |
Glaucous Gull * | C | |
Lesser Black-backed Gull * | C | |
Iceland Gull * | C | |
Least Tern * | A | |
Caspian Tern | M,SV | |
Black Tern | C | |
Forster’s Tern | M | |
Common Tern * | C | |
Pied-billed Grebe | M,WV | |
Horned Grebe | M,WV | |
Red-necked Grebe * | C | |
Eared Grebe * | A | |
Western Grebe * | H | |
Red-throated Loon * | C | |
Common Loon | M,WV | |
Wood Stork | A | |
Anhinga * | A | |
Double-crested Cormorant | M,SV,WV | |
White Ibis * | C | |
Glossy Ibis | C | |
American Bittern | M | |
Least Bittern * | C | |
• | Yellow-crowned Night Heron | SV |
Black-crowned Night Heron | M,SV | |
Little Blue Heron | M,SV | |
Tricolored Heron * | A | |
Snowy Egret * | C | |
• | Green Heron | M,SR |
Western Cattle Egret | M,SV | |
Great Egret | M,SV | |
• | Great Blue Heron | M,PR |
• | Black Vulture | M,PR |
• | Turkey Vulture | M,PR |
• | Osprey | M,SV |
Swallow-tailed Kite * | A | |
Golden Eagle * | C | |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | M,WR | |
• | Cooper’s Hawk | M,PR |
American Goshawk * | M,WV | |
Northern Harrier * | M,WV | |
• | Bald Eagle | M,PR |
Mississippi Kite * | C | |
• | Broad-winged Hawk | M,SR |
• | Red-shouldered Hawk | M,PR |
• | Red-tailed Hawk | M,PR |
Rough-legged Hawk * | M,WV | |
• | American Barn Owl * | C |
• | Eastern Screech-Owl | PR |
Snowy Owl * | A | |
• | Great Horned Owl | PR |
• | Barred Owl | PR |
Long-eared Owl | C | |
Short-eared Owl | C | |
Northern Saw-whet Owl | C | |
• | Belted Kingfisher | PR |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | M,WV | |
• | Red-headed Woodpecker | M,WV, SR |
• | Red-bellied Woodpecker | PR |
• | Downy Woodpecker | PR |
• | Hairy Woodpecker | PR |
• | Pileated Woodpecker | PR |
• | Northern Flicker | M,PR |
• | American Kestrel | M,PR |
Merlin | M,WV | |
Peregrine Falcon | M,WV | |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | M | |
• | Eastern Wood-Pewee | M,SR |
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher | M | |
• | Acadian Flycatcher | M,SR |
Alder Flycatcher * | C | |
• | Willow Flycatcher | M,SR |
• | Least Flycatcher | M,SV |
• | Eastern Phoebe | M,SR,WV |
• | Ash-throated Flycatcher | A |
• | Great Crested Flycatcher | M,SR |
Western Kingbird | A | |
• | Eastern Kingbird | M,SR |
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher | A | |
• | White-eyed Vireo | M,SR |
• | Yellow-throated Vireo | M,SR |
Blue-headed Vireo | M | |
Philadelphia Vireo | M (fall) | |
• | Warbling Vireo | M,SR |
• | Red-eyed Vireo | M,SR |
Loggerhead Shrike * | C | |
Northern Shrike * | A | |
• | Blue Jay | M,PR |
• | American Crow | PR |
• | Fish Crow | PR |
• | Common Raven | C,PR |
• | Carolina Chickadee | PR |
Black-capped Chickadee * | C,WV | |
• | Tufted Titmouse | PR |
• | Horned Lark | M,PR |
• | Bank Swallow | M,SV |
• | Tree Swallow | M,SR |
• | Purple Martin | M,SR |
• | N. Rough-winged Swallow | M,SR |
• | Barn Swallow | M,SR |
• | Cliff Swallow | M,SR |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | M,WV | |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | M,WR | |
• | White-breasted Nuthatch | M,PR |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | M,WV | |
Brown Creeper | M,WR | |
• | Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | M,SR |
• | Northern House Wren | M,SR |
Winter Wren | M,WR | |
Sedge Wren * | C | |
Marsh Wren | M | |
• | Carolina Wren | PR |
• | European Starling | PR |
• | Gray Catbird | M,SR,WV |
• | Brown Thrasher | M,SR,WV |
• | Northern Mockingbird | PR |
• | Eastern Bluebird | PR |
Mountain Bluebird* | A | |
Varied Thrush * | A | |
• | Veery | M,SR |
Gray-cheeked Thrush | M | |
Bicknell’s Thrush * | A,M | |
Swainson’s Thrush | M | |
Hermit Thrush | M,WR | |
• | Wood Thrush | M,SR |
• | American Robin | M,PR |
• | Cedar Waxwing | M,PR |
• | House Sparrow | PR |
American Pipit | M,WV | |
Evening Grosbeak * | C | |
• | House Finch | PR |
Purple Finch | M,WV | |
Redpoll * | C | |
Red Crossbill * | C | |
White-winged Crossbill * | C | |
Pine Siskin | M,WV | |
• | American Goldfinch | PR |
Lapland Longspur * | C | |
Snow Bunting * | C | |
Grasshopper Sparrow | M,SR | |
• | Chipping Sparrow | M,SR,WV |
Clay-colored Sparrow * | C | |
• | Field Sparrow | M,PR |
Lark Sparrow * | A | |
American Tree Sparrow | M,WR | |
Fox Sparrow | M,WR | |
Dark-eyed Junco | M,WR | |
White-crowned Sparrow | M,WR | |
Harris’s Sparrow * | A | |
White-throated Sparrow | M,WR | |
• | Vesper Sparrow | M,SR |
LeConte’s Sparrow * | A | |
Nelson’s Sparrow * | M | |
• | Savannah Sparrow | M,WR,SR? |
Henslow’s Sparrow * | C | |
• | Song Sparrow | M,PR |
Lincoln’s Sparrow | M | |
Swamp Sparrow | M,WR | |
• | Eastern Towhee | M,PR |
• | Yellow-breasted Chat | M,SR |
Yellow-headed Blackbird * | A | |
Bobolink | M | |
• | Eastern Meadowlark | PR |
• | Orchard Oriole | M,SR |
• | Baltimore Oriole | M,SR |
• | Red-winged Blackbird | M,PR |
• | Brown-headed Cowbird | M,PR |
Rusty Blackbird | M,WV | |
Brewer’s Blackbird * | A | |
• | Common Grackle | M,PR |
• | Ovenbird | M,SR |
• | Worm-eating Warbler | M,SR |
• | Louisiana Waterthrush | M,SR |
Northern Waterthrush | M | |
Golden-winged Warbler | M | |
• | Blue-winged Warbler | M,SR |
• | Black-and-white Warbler | M,SR |
• | Prothonotary Warbler | M,SR |
Tennessee Warbler | M | |
Orange-crowned Warbler | M,WV | |
Nashville Warbler | M | |
Connecticut Warbler | M (fall) | |
Mourning Warbler | M | |
• | Kentucky Warbler | M,SR |
• | Common Yellowthroat | M,SR |
• | Hooded Warbler | M,SR |
• | American Redstart | M,SR |
Cape May Warbler | M | |
• | Cerulean Warbler | M,SR |
• | Northern Parula | M,SR |
Magnolia Warbler | M | |
Bay-breasted Warbler | M | |
Blackburnian Warbler | M | |
• | Yellow Warbler | M,SR |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | M | |
Blackpoll Warbler | M | |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | M | |
Palm Warbler | M | |
• | Pine Warbler | M,SR |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | M,WV | |
• | Yellow-throated Warbler | M,SR |
• | Prairie Warbler | M,SR |
Black-throated Green Warbler | M | |
Canada Warbler | M | |
Wilson’s Warbler | M | |
Summer Tanager | M,SV | |
• | Scarlet Tanager | M,SR |
Western Tanager | A | |
• | Northern Cardinal | PR |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | M | |
• | Blue Grosbeak | M,SR |
• | Indigo Bunting | M,SR |
Painted Bunting * | A | |
• | Dickcissel * | M,SV,WV |
• Breeding evidence (may be a single record)
* Asterisk indicates written details or a photograph are required.
PR – Permanent Resident
SR – Summer Resident
SV – Summer Visitor
WR – Winter Resident
WV – Winter Visitor
M – Migrant’
C – Casual – (at least 6 records; highly irregular occurrence)
A – Accidental – (1-5 records with photo or specimen; 3-5 without)
H – Hypothetical – (1-2 records without a photograph, specimen, or Maryland/District of Columbia Records Committee acceptance)
[For C, A, or…. H categories, use the Contact Us tab at the top of the page on the web]
Hybrids Brewster’s Warbler * Lawrence’s Warbler *
Extirpated Ruffed Grouse Passenger Pigeon Bewick’s Wren |
Historical Record: Bachman’s Sparrow – record 1955 | |
Spring – March-May
Summer – June-July |
Autumn – August-November
Winter – December-February |
Compiled by the Howard County Bird Club, a chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society based on almost 60 years of records. [eBird phylogenetic order] Revised 1/2024