Belmont Manor and Historic Park

Trip leaders:Mike Bowen, Anne Cianni, and Gregg Petersen Date of trip: April 9, 2024
Location: Belmont Manor and Historic Park Number attending: 9
Details: Partly cloudy, 47-66 degrees, slight wind. Appreciation coins given to Mike Bowen and to Anne Cianni who have jointly assisted us on Belmont Field Trips for the last 2 years. Mike formerly worked at Belmont with American Chemical Society and is the number one birder for this hotspot. With his two trips in the last two years, he added 3 birds to his life list here. His friend Anne, has been equally helpful as Mike on our two trips.
In the parking lot. Photo by Gregg Petersen
Tree Swallows. Photo by Guy DiRoma.
Eastern Bluebird. Photo by Gregg Petersen.
Vesper Sparrow. Photo by Gregg Petersen.
Palm (Yellow) Warbler. Photo by Guy DiRoma.

Canada Goose  4
Mourning Dove  4
Wilson’s Snipe  1
Double-crested Cormorant  2
Great Blue Heron  1
Black Vulture  3
Red-bellied Woodpecker  2
Northern Flicker  4
American Crow  1
Fish Crow  5
Carolina Chickadee  6
Tufted Titmouse  8
Tree Swallow  30
Northern Rough-winged Swallow  1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet  5
White-breasted Nuthatch  3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  2

Carolina Wren  6
Brown Thrasher  5
Northern Mockingbird  5
Eastern Bluebird  11
House Sparrow  2
Chipping Sparrow  16
Field Sparrow  5
Dark-eyed Junco  12
White-throated Sparrow  5
Vesper Sparrow  2
Savannah Sparrow  2
Song Sparrow  3
Eastern Towhee  2
Red-winged Blackbird  8
Palm Warbler (Yellow)  12
Yellow-rumped Warbler  3
Northern Cardinal  7

Gregg Petersen presents "thank you" coins to Anne Cianni and Mike Bowen