Beginning Birder Field Trip Question and Answer Walk

Trip leaders: Val Swan, Terri Berkheimer, & Catherine Hallam Date of trip: March 20, 2024
Location: Belmont Manor & Historic Park Number attending: 11
Details:Catherine Hallam received a “thank you” coin from HCBC Vice President Val Swan.
Catherine Hallam receives "thank you" coin from Val Swan (Gregg Petersen)
Before the walk (Gregg Petersen)
On the trail (Gregg Petersen)

Mourning Dove  1Great Blue Heron  1Turkey Vulture  11Red-shouldered Hawk  4Red-bellied Woodpecker  1Northern Flicker  1Blue Jay  3American Crow  5Fish Crow  4American/Fish Crow  4Tufted Titmouse  1Tree Swallow  22

Carolina Wren  1European Starling  20Northern Mockingbird  5Eastern Bluebird  12American Robin  6House Finch  2Field Sparrow  1Savannah Sparrow  7Song Sparrow  2Red-winged Blackbird  9Brown-headed Cowbird  7Northern Cardinal  3

Tree Swallow (Gregg Petersen)
Eastern Bluebird (Gregg Petersen)
House Finch (Gregg Petersen)
Brown-headed Cowbird (Gregg Petersen)