Howard County Bird Club

Howard County Bird Club

A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society

Bird Photographs from MPEA

Middle Patuxent Environmental Area

(For a complete list of bird seen at MPEA, see MPEA Bird Species List.)


Black-billed Cuckoo, Blue-winged Warbler, Cooper’s Hawk, Common Yellowthroat, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Eastern Towhee.

Great-crested Flycatcher, Gray Catbird, House Wren, Indigo Bunting, Magnolia Warbler, Nashville Warbler.

Northern Parula, Ovenbird, Palm Warbler (eastern), Piliated Woodpecker, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

Sharp-shinned Hawk, Tree Swallow, Turkey Vulture, White-breasted Nuthatch, Worm-eating Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo.

Photographs by Scott Berglund.