Howard County Bird Club

A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society

Emy’s Meadow


Our long-time treasurer, Emy Holdridge, died January 5, 2015.

The Howard County Bird Club wanted a project which would exemplify her love of the fragile natural world. Our first thought was pollinator plantings at Centennial Park to encourage a variety of insect pollinators to breed in that park. Response was overwhelming. Members responded with gifts and knowledge of what it would take to make “Emy’s Meadow” a reality. Following is a history of the first year and photographs from the second year.

January, 2015


Site prep


Plant seeds


Some results






But we are not done. Meadows require annual maintenence (especially for the first few years). The Howard County Bird Club is committed to removal of invasive species so that the meadow remains a meadow.

Our Mission

is to promote the knowledge, development, protection, and conservation of bird life and other naturally occurring species and their habitats.

Insects in Emy’s Meadow

“Pollinators” are only one of the forms of insects found in the meadow. There is a web of life here. Other insects feed on the pollinators. The other insects in turn are a food source up the predator chain (including birds).

Following are some of the insects photographed by Linda Hunt in the summer and early autumn of 2015:

Next is a panel with photos added in 2016. Photos by Sue Muller and Barbara Sikorski.

Peck's Skipper
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Ocola Skipper
Cabbage White
Variegated Fritillary
Common Buckeye
Fiery Skipper
Painted Lady
Honey Bees
Meadow Fritillary
Pearl Crescent
Common Checkered Skipper


Striped Lynx Spider
Silver-spotted Skipper
Monarch caterpilllar
Honey Bee Mimic
Milkweed Tussock Moth caterpillar
Transverse Flower Fly
Common Buckeye