Golden-winged Skimmer

Place name abbreviations: MPEA – Middle Patuxent Environment Area; PRSP – Patuxent River State Park; PVSP – Patapsco River Valley State Park; WMA – Wildlife Management Area.

Click on the common name to obtain additional information. Legend:

Species common name
Scientific name
Length (in inches; M and F if different) Flight season
Relative abundance


Golden-winged Skimmer
Libellula auripennis
2.1-2.3″ L-May — M-Aug
Nearly impossible to distinguish from Needham’s Skimmer (L. neehami) unless you have it in hand!
Habitat: Grassy edges of freshwater ponds. Forages in open fields near water. M perches conspicuously but is wary, swift on wing, difficult to approach at rest.

Centennial Park

June 1, 1998
Centennial Park
Bob Solem

Centennial Park

June 1, 1998
Centennial Park
Bob Solem

Rockburn Branch Park

June 14, 2016
Rockburn Branch Park
Kathy Litzinger
Tentative since the specimen was not netted. The hind leg tibia and spines appear to be black.