Howard County Bird Club
Waterford Flats Martha “Marty” Chestem sign dedication
Members of the Howard County Bird Club met at Waterford Farm on August 12, 2023 to dedicate the sign for Waterford Flats in honor of Marty Chestem |
Gregg Petersen, Howard County Bird Club (HCBC) vice president made opening remarks and
introduced Chuck Sharp, owner of Waterford Farm. Here Gregg is presenting Chuck with the HCBC thank you coin.
Gregg next introduced Wesley Earp, who designed the water impoundment structure and insured that the necessary permits were obtained. Wes also received a thank you coin.
Gregg introduced Jo Solem, who reminisced about the many activities Marty was engaged in after she helped found HCBC. The text of Jo’s speech is in a pdf document. Jo received a thank you coin.
Russ Ruffing (chair of the Waterford Flats Committee) displays the thank you coin he received.
Eileen Clegg and
Brigette Lund
remembered some of the events they attended with Marty. Brigette is holding a copy of the May 5, 1985 May Count checklist of the birds she and Marty recorded at Hollofield, Patapsco Valley State Park, that day. It included both a Brewster’s Warbler and a Golden-winged Warbler. |
The group moved to the shed at the head of the trail to Waterford Flats. The sign honoring Marty Chestem (part of whose bequest was used to help fund creation of the flats) is next to the sign-in cabinet and was unveiled by Wes Earp and Russ Ruffing.
After the unveiling, Russ Ruffing led a walk to Waterford Flats.
The members of the Waterford Flats Committee: Kelsey Wellons, Kristin Trouton, Mary Lou Clark, John Harris, Wes Earp, Gregg Petersen, Mary Maxey, and Russ Ruffing (committee chair).