Howard County Bird Club

Howard County Bird Club

A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society

This is where documents could be safely and securely stored online.

First Critical Role

[sdm_download id=”24250″ fancy=”0″]

Second Critical Role

[sdm_download id=”24254″ fancy=”0″]

Third Critical Role

[sdm_download id=”24257″ fancy=”0″]

Fourth Critical Role

[sdm_download id=”24275″ fancy=”0″]

Fifth Cell – ZIP Folder

[sdm_download id=”24289″ fancy=”0″]

Instructions and rationale:

HCBC does not have secure online storage for archival material. Here is one way to securely store them in a way that is still accessible to the officers and others with a need to know.

This is a demonstration of an webpage with a URL disseminated on a need-to-know basis. It is not available for indexing by search engines (according to the maker of the plugin used).

A separate password is needed to download each document on the page. Four have been included for the demonstration.

After entering the password [FirstCriticalRole] for the first entry, the enclosed  MSWord document can be downloaded.

After entering the password [SecondCriticalRole] for the second entry, the PDF document can be downloaded.

After entering the password [ThirdCriticalRole] for the third entry, the PDF document protected with a password [ThirdRole] can be downloaded.

After entering the password [FourthCriticalRole] for the fourth entry, the MSWord document protected with a password [FourthRole] can be downloaded.

This is to demonstrate different levels of security for two types of documents. (Apparently all common types of media/documents can be entered, and a password will be required to open the entry for downloading.)