Howard County Bird Club

Lime Kiln Road Pond Detailed Information
The attractiveness of this pond on Lime Kiln Road 1.1 miles west of Fulton at the intersection with Reservoir Road has waned as habitat in the immediate vicinity has changed. Migrant waterfowl still drop in for varying stays, but there are no longer meadows near the edge to attract the variety of herons, egrets, and terns that once could be expected. The reforested west side is gradually growing more dense.
Finding a safe place to view the pond is key. Do not stop on Lime Kiln Road which has no shoulders and is heavily traveled. Brookwood Farm Road is 0.2 mile west of the pond. Because the street rises it would appear to be a useful vantage point, especially for scope views. Unfortunately, for most of the year, there is no view because the intervening trees are growing tall enough to block sightlines. Some of the trees do not drop their leaves until December, by which time the pond may be frozen. Fortunately, the trees and shrubs along the south side of the pond are normally bare by November so the best view can still be obtained at the intersection of Reservoir Road and Lime Kiln Road. Park on Reservoir Road to view the pond. Do not park on lawns. Expect a
variety of ducks along with the occasional grebe, Tundra Swan and Canada Goose flock (with their potential fellow travelers —
a Cackling Goose family in December 2012). Bald Eagle, Cattle Egret, and Caspian Tern have been logged here but are exceptions. Great Blue Heron and Green Heron can still be noted during warmer months along with a resident Belted Kingfisher.