Green-winged Teal

Cornell’s All About Birds

Race Road February 23, 2014
Photo by Kathy Litzinger

Race Road February 23, 2014 Photo by Kathy Litzinger

Centennial Park
February 12, 2005
Photo by Kurt Schwarz

Centennial Park
February 12, 2005
Photo by Kurt Schwarz

Centennial Park
January 9, 2019
Photo by Kurt Schwarz

Centennial Park
January 9, 2019
Photo by Kurt Schwarz

Centennial Park March 24, 2019
Photo by John Harris

Centennial Park
March 24, 2019
Photo by John Harris

Video of Green-winged Teal

September 13, 2012 by Bonnie Ott

Eurasian (Common) Teal is a subspecies of the Green-winged Teal

Video of Eurasian (Common) Teal

April 15, 2012 by Kurt Schwarz
April 11, 2012
Photo by Nancy Magnusson

April 11, 2012
Photo by Nancy Magnusson

April 12, 2012
Photo by Kurt Schwarz

April 12, 2012
Photo by Kurt Schwarz

With Green-winged Teal
April 11, 2012
Photo by Nancy Magnusson

With Green-winged Teal
April 11, 2012
Photo by Nancy Magnusson