Centennial Park April 7, 2012
Photos by Howard Patterson

Centennial Park
April 7, 2012
Photos by Howard Patterson

Centennial Park April 7, 2012
Photos by Howard Patterson

Centennial Park
April 7, 2012
Photos by Howard Patterson

Lake Elkhorn March 19, 2015
Photo by Allen Lewis

Lake Elkhorn
March 19, 2015
Photo by Allen Lewis

Wilde Lake May 14, 2012
Photos by Jeff Friedhoffer

Wilde Lake
May 14, 2012
Photos by Jeff Friedhoffer

Loon Comparison

Compare Common & Red-throated
Photos by Nancy Magnusson

Common Loon top
Red-throated Loon below
Photo by Nancy Magnusson

Two Swans Rescue a Common Loon

On January 16, 2024, HCBC member Ryan Salsman discovered a Common Loon on a private pond in Howard County. Unfortunately, increasing ice was rapidly reducing the amount of open water endangering the bird. (Not only do loons feed by diving for fish, but they need a long runway to take flight.) Fellow member Russ Ruffing kept an eye on the bird and the pond daily. By January 22, 2024, ice covered the entire pond stranding the bird on the ice. Val Swan and her husband, Jeff, attempted a rescue the same day and with luck, using a car cover as a net, they were able to capture the bird. The loon was successfully released at Springdale Quarry. Although Val and Jeff Swan and Russ Ruffing were the primary rescuers, many people in the Maryland birding community were involved in attempting to obtain help for this bird!

View the video of the release.